Chapter 24

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Tae pov
The moment she opened the door my father and I were shocked.
On the other hand my stepmom had a wide smile on her face.
"See I had told you honey that this girl is not right for tae."

Yes indeed.  My father answered in a state of shock

"She dont deserve tae, see not even an hour and she's already sleeping with someone.
Soo tae I want you to immediately tell her to leave this place and breakup with her." Stepmom said with a smile plastered on her face.

"Breakup with whom Mrs. Kim?"

We turned to look behind and Yn was standing there rubbing her eyes that showed she was sleeping in our room.  And a wide smile spread on my face.
My stepmom was shocked "obviously with yo... Wait a minute If you are here than who is inside."

She turned behind and was shocked to see non other than her favourite Tia on the bed with someone. Her total body language and facial expression completely changed.

"Tia... Tia wake up what is this? According to the plan-" Stepmom paused and looked at everyone and continued. "I mean in the picture we saw yn. Right Tae. and now you are here."

She looked at me for confirmation but I dint utter a word and saw Yn standing at the side and enjoying the whole view with a smirk.

"What happened Mrs . Kim let me sleep for a while." That is when she looked around her. And was shocked to see a man sleeping next to her. She got up from the bed immediately and said "who are you and how dare you sleep next to me."

That is when yn said in a inocent way but at the same time mocking her "Tia you were sleeping next to him and you don't know who he is?"

"Babe what are you saying just because this people caught us you cannot say that you don't know me. We love each other."
The man sleeping next to her said.

"No this is a plan someone has done this purposely to put me down. Belive me tae" saying this she was coming to me but Yn blocked her by coming in between us and said while folding her hands
"how are you so sure that it's a plan, until and unless you think about doing the same with someone else."

There was a change in her expression.
Everyone was shocked to hear that.
I was really angry now as I came to know they planned this for Yn  so I told in a cold manner .  "please tell her to leave the house immediately before I regret that I said or did something."

That is when my father spoke yes, her parents must be worried. my wife is also OK and I don't think so.She needs any help.  Right? And he glared at his wife. She just nodded her head and said "yes."

In that case, I guess it's better you go here at your place.
Saying this my father and I left from there.

Yn pov
Mr Kim and Taehyung left from there, but I waited there to see the drama.
I went to that man and said "thank you so much. I will never forget your help brother."

"No worries sister. And ma'am take your money. You told me to come here so that you can take revenge on her for having an affair with your boyfriend. But it was a lie and I had to support the one who is honest.
Thank God I was stopped at the right time or else you would have ruined one girls reputation" saying this he took his mobile and left from there.

Tia came to me straight and raised her hand to slap me. I just hold it and slapped her back. Mrs Kim and Tia both looked at me in wide eyes for my actions "How dare you slap her" saying this she was coming towards me but when I started speaking she halted her steps.

"how dare you? You both were thinking to do this with me so that they can throw me out of the house, but luckily I came to take water for Taehyung so that he can take his morning tablet.  when you'll were discussing and mixing the medicine in the juice I saw and overheard your conversation. Like really how can you even think of doing this to someone so I thought if you'll are going to play game like this than I too have to do the same. I changed the juice glass and gave it to you. The moment tae left I acted as if I'm feeling sleepy but befor I could enter the room you went inside to sleep that means the medicine had started working. The man came whom you called and I told him everything he was shocked after listening to what you were trying to use him for. So I just told him to sleep next to you. Only when he hears the sound of the door open he will come next to you on the bed, I specified it clearly and he did the same."

"What about the picture?" Mrs Kim asked
"Oooo about the picture." I looked at her giving an evil smile, she looked down as she knew I fooled her.
"Mrs Kim I actually clicked the picture on her phone and I adjusted it in such a way with the duet that she looks like me. You know chubby and that what happened Mrs Kim mistook you to be me." Saying this I smirked.

"Tia it's a warning next time, don't even try to plan something stupid. You   wanted to seperate me and Taehyung. Now see what happened to you. If anyone tries to mess with me or Taehyung. The worst will happen to that person. Don't even try to act too smart."

"And Mrs. Kim" I went to her kept my hand on her shoulder the way she did at the hospital and said.
"I told you. How much Love you will give me. I'll make sure that my boyfriend's family gets the same amount or maybe more than that. So you got the love which you were supposed to give me. And if anybody else tries to do the same thing, they will also suffer the same."
Saying this I smiled and left the place. Leaving both of them baffled and angry at the same time.

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