Chapter 33

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Yn pov
I helped Mijo and Ani to sit in the car.
And I sat later.  They both literally fell asleep and I was thinking about the Conversation between me and Mr. Kim. The way he suddenly hugged me and told me to stay. But I guess it's  really too late.
He hurt me so bad that now I don't think so anything can fix it. We reached our destination.
I helped Mijo and  Ani come out of the car. I paid the uber driver. We reached infront of the door that is when the Uber driver called.
"Maam you forgot something in the car." So I told both of them to take the keys and go inside. I went to collect the thing which I guess I forgot .But I didn't find anything. I found it a bit weird I turned around to ask the driver that is when Someone covered my mouth with the handkerchief and everything around my eyes went black.

Tae pov
I reached home and was thinking about yn the whole time. I had to do something to convince her.But what? I was confused. I was thinking the way we spend time together. The way we  spoke, the day she got scared of cockroach and came out. I was smiling thinking about the incidents that is when I realised what I did and I was really angry at myself for torturing her. For behaving rudely with her.

That is when I got a call from Mijo I immediately picked up the phone though I was thinking why she called me at this time. She will never call at this time until and unless something is wrong. When I received the call, I heard Mijo saying something which I dint understand but when she took Yn name I lost it. "Mijo give me 5 min I'll be there."
I dint waste a single second and tried to reach their place as fast as possible.
I reached at her place Mijo and Ani both were crying mess. Junho also entered after me. "What happend? and where is Yn." I asked

"We three got down from the car we almost reached the door the uber driver came back saying we forgot something. Yn told us to open the door and go inside and she went to get the thing we forgot which I don't remember what was it? And now when I think about it if we really had forgotten something he should have given it to us instead he made us go there and see" Ani said crying.

"Than what happend?" Junho and I asked in unison.

"We don't know she dint return at all but when I went to see her I saw her phone down but she was missing we both panicked dint know what to do so called both of you'll." Mijo said.

"Did you get any call? Like asking for money and all?" Junho asked.

Both looked at each other and said "No".

Suddenly my phone started ringing. All 3 looked at me.

It was from an unknown number I immediately answered the call.

"Hello Mr Kim."

"Who is this?"

"I'm someone whose career you destroyed because of this fat girl."

Yn... Yn he is talking about her.
I signalled on the other hand Junho told to put the phone on the speaker. And told me to continue talking.
Frankly speaking I was blank listening about Yn. So Junho was really a great support here.

"Where is yn? Who are you? Why you are doing this?"

"Oooo Mr. Kim you forgot me.
You know what for past 3 months, I was thinking Why he did this to me because of this chubby girl but now sitting close to her made me realised why? She is peacefully sleeping here but ones she wakes up...." He started laughing like a maniac....

"What do you want tell me I'll give you mo- money ? Just tell me how much I'll give you but don't touch her."

"I don't want money I want you I want to take revenge for the humiliation I faced so I'm giving you 30 min to reach here at the old abondone building after crossing the XX road even if you take 1 extra minute you forget about yn."

" wait I'll reach there in 30 minutes don't touch her and anything happens to her before I reach I will..."

"You will what Mr. Kim you are in no position to threaten me. And don't ask smart. You will come alone. I hope you heard that... ALONE."

Saying this he disconnected the call. I dint know what to say on the other hand both her friends were crying.

"Mr. Kim don't worry. And don't loose hope I guess we should leave now if we want Yn to be safe."

I nodded and immediately called my Junkook to tell him about everything.

Let's see what happens in the next chapter.

Sorry my lovely readers... And thank you for being patient. Due to busy schedule i was not active.
Will make sure to upload atleast a chapter a week.

Thank you.... Saranghae

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