Chapter 27

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Tae pov
In the morning Yn said that she wants to go home as I had recovered and she was missing her friends. So I told the driver to drop her home. I don't know why but I already started missing Yn, her smile, the way she helped me recover so fast, the way poor yn handled my stepmom's behaviour. The cockroach incident which was the most memorable one for obvious reasons. I was missing her a lot.I don't know why. There's something I started feeling. A feeling, that maybe I am falling in love with her.

I had my lunch, I took my medicine and went to sleep.
later in the evening when I woke up I heard that annoying Tia's voice.
She was talking to my stepmom mom. After few minutes both came to me.

I told you Tae that Yn is not a good girl, I don't know what you saw in her.
"Mrs Kim I saw that day who is good for me and who is not, if you are going to talk about her all this than please leave from here."

"I knew tae- I mean Taehyung that you wouldn't belive me if I tell anything so I brought proof."

She showed me the mobile and I was really shocked. I saw Junho and yn sitting close to each other. Nicely giggling and laughing, and he also had a ring in his hand. That irritated me a lot.

"Your so called Yn said that she is going home because she was missing her friends but the actual reason was she was missing her boyfriend. See she is happy to recive the ring from him and said yes. She's cheating on both of you'll. She's with you because of your money. But you don't listen to me. Now see. Not even a day she went from here. And she's already  with someone.
Taehyung forget about her she is characterl-"

"Both of you leave my room now."

"But tae"

"Leave now. Or else you will face the consequences." I said in a cold yet angry voice they both got scared and left the room.
If it was some other guy I would have understood but it's Junho he is really close to her.
I was really angry and pissed.  the moment they left I took the car keys went down and started the car and went straight to yn 's place. I reached her place and rang the bell. I was so pissed I kept on ringing the bell till she came and opened the door. Please yn I just beg you when I ask you please tell me the truth. Only truth...

Yn pov
I opened the door when I saw Taehyung standing.
"Hello Taehyung what happened? Did I forget something? why you came here I would have come to collect that if you had told me."

"Where were you when you left from my place?" I don't why but he was really angry like the day I saw him first time in the office.

I was confused so asked "what happ-" before I could finish my sentence he said "I asked you something where were you after leaving from my place?"

"I came here."

I dint wanted tell him about Junho simple reasons 1. Why would he want to know about Junho and I met him because of mijo what will he do with that.

"Than went for grocery shopping and came home."

"You are lying... You are also same like other girls." saying this he just caught my neck and pushed me to the wall.

"Why you had to meet him lier.
How much money you want? You should have told me, why to act as if you are helping me and kind towards me."

I was not able to breathe I was hitting his hand trying to tell him to leave me. But it dint affect him.
"Tae... taeh... Taehyung your hurting me." He left my neck I started caughing. "you know what take this" saying this he threw the money on my face "for working as my servant and nurse for a week. And this money for today, as I'll be spending the night with you. As usual you are characterl-."

That was the last string he broke I went to him and gave a tight slap "what do you thing about yourself Tae.. I mean Mr Kim. Take your money and get lost. I don't know what is wrong with you. It's my choice my life so I'll meet whoever I want we are acting as girlfriend and boyfriend. did you hear me acting. We are not real couples than who gave you the right to speak to me or about me all this shit. Don't you dare talk about my character and compare me to others. Mr Kim tomorrow my resignation will be there on the table and I really don't care about what the contract says."

Tae pov
When she slapped and said all this things I was just standing and listening because whatever she said was right she is not my girlfriend she is my secretary why did react like that.
That is when her two friends came.
"Hey yn when did you come and what's going on here" one of her friend asked. Where as Mijo went straight to Yn.
"I said leave Mr. Kim." Yn said with a lot of hate in her eyes.

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