" Donuts "

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" It was lovely to have business with you Mr shukla " Says Mr Malhotra shaking his hands with me I nod looking at him and his secretary who was smiling at me which made me scowl at her. " Speaking of secretary where the hell is miss gill " I thought looking around for her to find her standing next to a guy who's name I don't even know , like who the fuck is he does he even work for us?? Thinking so I call for her who smiles guiding the Malhotra dude out who started at miss gill for a while making my frown deeper.

" Miss gill I need my green tea now "

Saying so I walk back to my cabin observing her from the corner of my eyes shooting daggers at me. ' like this little 26 year old kid has got nerves to stare at me, who the fuck is she ' I thought when my inner voice mocked me stating she is my secretary who is the sole reason for my company running. Let me get this straight I was always thought and said that our family business is my only future, inherited from my father who got it from my grandfather Mr Arvind shukla who continued this legacy from the 1960s .

People think I got this position of the head of the shukla home's and enterprise as a blessing from my grandfather most of them doesn't know the truth how hard it was for me to get through this position which I think I'm totally worthy off call me a cocky bastard but I love myself more than anyone......

" You're tea " Say's miss gill keeping the piping hot tea cup on my table and a plate of donuts along with it. I watch her and the half eaten donut served to me which was precisely cut down in away making it look like a half sliced donut but you can see the icing on the corner of her mouth which she licks away making me let out a low groan.

" Did you just enter my cabin without knocking and just served me a half eaten donut?? "

" What are you speaking?? "

" What ever you are hearing, and don't you wanna leave for home it's past 8:40 pm "

I say checking the time which strikes 9pm she sighs taking a seat in front of me ' like excuse me lady who asked you to sit ' I thought looking at her but when does she listen to me. Miss gill aka shehnaaz kaur gill has been working for me from past two years though she is a pain in the ass to be around but she is excellent at her work some times I'm confused whether she is my secretary or an employee who works under me because this woman doesn't have any kind of discipline or punctuality......

" I was here to speak to you about the new secretary post interviews "

" New secretary?? What the hell are you talking miss gill "

I ask bewildered like what the fuck is this 26 year woman in disguise of a 6 year old child taking about. She is a child a complete nonsense utter kindergarten kid who eats chocolate every 15 mins , has a messy desk and an unorganized schedule because last time I checked she was awake till 2 pm watching some cliche show called anupama having a tub of ice cream. She likes more sweets than me and you can find her munching snacks every hour that mouth never shuts from talking or food.

" Yaa, you forgot my two year contract ends in these two weeks and I'm resigning. I have arranged an Interview for the upcoming secretary post, my question is do you want to take the interview or let me or the HR do her thing "

" What contract?? "

I ask like a fool as I grasp whatever she was trying to say. When the hell did I sign a contract with her working for just two years, this isn't in our companies policy.

" I swear to God sidharth ab mujhe tumhari intentions kya hai acha say samajh gayi mein "

" Kya hai mera intentions?? "

" You don't want me to resign just like that, you want to kick me out in front of everyone "

I look at her appalled ' yehh na paagal bhi hai , and she just confirmed to me'.

" Have you lost it?? "

" Have you lost it sidharth!! "

She say's almost yelling making me flinch a bit at her tone because this is the first time ever I have seen shehnaaz yell at anyone or lose her calm so easily and also the first time she has called me ' sidharth ' and not Mr shukla.

" Keep your voice down miss gill , don't forget I'm the boss "

I say clenching my jaw as I could feel myself getting angry at her obnoxious behavior ' No one talks to me like that not even my father, who the fuck does she thinks of herself as ' , I thought glaring at her and I can visibly see her gulping getting scared ' now that's much better ' . She speaks further making my jaw clench harder.

" Ok ok calm down there isn't a need to fire me today but you do know that right initially after these two weeks I'm not an employee of your company and you need to find someone for my spot "

" You are not resigning, I will increase you're pay "

" Really??? "

She asked happily making me scowl if I want shehnaaz to work for me than I can increase her fee too lakhs.

" Yes "

" Khud hi raklo, mujhe itni jaldi asylum mein jaana ka shonk nahi chada hai "

" Asylum?? "

I question her while she cuss under her breath ' Oh man let me tell you nobody wants to listen to the cuss she just said ' , I thought as she chuckles nervously.

" As I see you don't have anything to say further let's talk about this tomorrow shehnaaz you can leave to your home now "

I say picking up my tea and half eaten donut by miss gill having it, while she just dashed out of my office without any response , sighing I pack my stuff ready to head off thinking finally I'm done with this conversation with her and no more she is insisting on leaving the job.

( well little did I know that, things are going to turn up- side down after this making sure shehnaaz doesn't leave good time for a while)

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