"Call And The Deal "

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Standing in front of the mirror I checked myself out as I was ready for work I wore a saree today as I was in a happy mood. I ate an apple and yogurt for breakfast as I was dieting and I wanted to look good at my sisters wedding so for that I'm avoiding having junk or any food that might make me put up some weight and I need to keep myself fueled as I have diabeties .

Entering the office I saw people glancing my way because I wear saree rarely not quite often and gaining everyone's attention towards me made me a little uncomfortable. I saw laksh and misha near the lounge area having coffee I took a seat next to them making misha squeal.

" God!!! Shehnaaz you look so pretty if I was a guy or I was into girls I would have wifed you up right away "

Say's misha gushing how good I looked I giggle listening to her compliment .

" Let me tell you shehnaaz you look really pretty "

" Tell me something I don't know about laksh "

I say flipping my hair stating the obvious smiling, we heard someone clearing there throat turning around towards the elevator I found sidharth looking at us ' you know what scratch the us and me, his eyes pierced my heart burning a hole in it and I had to clutch my chest tight as I was falling down by his intense gaze ' I thought but nothing really happened but I could see he had clenched his jaw tight almost cracking it which I hope it happens soon.

" Shehnaaz I don't pay you to sit here and chit with you're friends get back to work now "

Spoke sidharth yelling looking at us I felt embarrassed as everyone were now looking at us excusing myself I headed to my cabin as I knew I would be screwed today. Taking sidharth coffee and files he had asked me to bring I place it on his desk , he was sitting on his chair going through some files I left the office without a word. I enter my cabin and found my phone ringing the screen showed rita aunties name ' why is aunty calling me?? At this hour ' , thinking so I recive the call.

"Good morning shehnaaz "

" Good morning aunty, how can I help you today ?"

" Arey shehnaaz I haven't called you for help but I have called you to congratulate you "

" Congratulate me?? "

" Yes!! I heard sidharth and you are dating, I always knew you guys had a spark .. And that nalayak beta of mine wouldn't have asked you out , I would have asked you're hand for him from you're parents. I'm happy he did the job now I only want to hear you're engagement plan "

" Engagement?? "

" I know you are shocked but you know what I'm upset with you, why wouldn't any of you say that you guy's we're dating last week when you were here you didn't speak a word but thanks to karan he said me the truth "

" The truth?? "

" I have called you to inform that I have hosted a small party tomorrow, I know it's a last minute decision but I had to tell my friends that finally sidharth has chosen such a wonderful woman like you. I wish nalini was here too, but I'm very much excited to meet them soon at you're sisters wedding. See you soon and sorry for bothering you shehnaaz bye "

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