Chapter 4 ~ lunch with friends ~

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After Ian had calmed down regarding his return flight the pair sat for a while and Ian asked Phikhuam for the contact details of his Doctor so he could discuss his therapy then mid morning he prepared refreshments and a light snack so that Phihuam could take his anti inflammatories then while Ian unpacked Phikhuam's things for him, the celebrity rested with his arm elevated on a cushion.

Ian could still not believe how his vacation had turned out, of course he had expected to see Phikhuam from afar at least once but the rest of the time he had expected to just enjoy his vacation with the guys, Champ, Kan and Andy.

Half way through hanging clothes he got a call from Champ,

"hey bro' watch'ya doin'"

"hey Champ, what's happening?"

"nothing much just yet, we were up all night watching footy, it was a blast" Champ said making Ian feel depressed.

"I'm in the process of hanging clothes for my patient" Ian replied.

"I'm so sorry man, you came all the way here to do exactly what you do at home" Champ added.

"I could have said no but I couldn't stand by and watch the guy struggling Champ" Ian replied unaware that Phikhuam could hear his words.

"anyway, the reason I'm calling is we're all having lunch in the penthouse at 1.30pm, can you come?"

"I'll ask Phikhuam if he'll be ok for a bit" Ian heard voices in the background.

"he can come too if he wants Kan said"  

"am I on speaker?, hey guys, are you there Andy?  have you managed to get away from limpet lips Lon?"

"nope, limpet lips is still glued to his side Ian" Lon replied.

"whatever, you don't scare me bud' ok I better get off guys, I'll see what Phikhuam says and get back to you"

"sound's like you're a wifey asking her husband if she can come out" Kan teased.

"Kan! ... forget it I'm not going to bite" he pouted.

"you have got to come with or without Mr Superstar Ian" Champ said.

"I'll try my best Champ but I really do need to go, catch you later" Ian said ending the call.

Ian finished putting the clothes away before heading back into the lounge where Phikhuam was still resting.

"you seem to have a close relationship with the guy called Champ" he said to Ian.

"I'm pretty close with all the guys now, we're practically neighbors back in the UK" Ian replied.

"is he interested in you?"

"who Champ hahaha I don't think so mate, I don't even think he swings that way" Ian replied hiccupping after laughing so hard.

"what about you, which way do you swing?" Phikhuam asked.

"I don't have a label, if I like someone that's all that matters to me" Ian said

"what about Lon, it sounds like you don't get on with him?"

"Lon and I ... what can I say, we annoy the hell out of each other, have done ever since we met, he's so darn jealous, then again I suppose it didn't help that I had Andy in my arms carrying him downstairs hahaha"

"you like him deep down?"

"Andy wouldn't be here without him so yeah, the asshole" Ian said.

"Lon saved his life?"

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