Ch 02 This Desperate...romantic...Lunatic

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Several weeks before

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Several weeks before.....

Skyrana sighed as she walked to the crown prince's bedroom. In the letter's words, it was urgent news that couldn't be put aside and had to be fixed as soon as possible. She could smell the bullshit from the comfort of her bed when the message was handed to her. But as ordered she got ready and was now walking the palace's hallways. Walking to his highness's room she stops, eyes following the prince's secretary as he paces back and forth in front of a door of ivory and gold. "What is it this time?", a heavy sigh leaves her as she grabs the secretary by the arm; putting a stop to his endless pacing. His tall but scrawny body stumbles back a bit and he fixes his glasses over dark brown eyes. Jeremy was a close friend and right-hand man to the prince. In other words, he's what kept the crown prince the crown prince to the best of his ability. "His majesty is refusing to get out of bed again!" the man cries out distraught "At this rate, I'll have to do his work again for the fourth time this week alone".

She patted the man's shoulder in pity. The poor man looked like his hair could turn white with how stressed the prince makes him on a daily basis. 'Poor thing never knew what he was getting himself into'. "I'll wake the prince AND make sure he does his work," Skyrana said with a smile before her face darkened as she cracked her knuckles "If you find a bruise please call for his physician and say it was an accident". Jeremy looked at her with widened eyes and gulped at the silent message. Nodding to her, Skyrana opened the door and walked in. Leaving the stressed man to his panicking.

'I can't believe this is the man so many fear in this crazy place'. She rolled her eyes as she looked at the obvious lump hiding under dark burgundy sheets on the grand bed that basically was enveloped in silk. She wanted her bed and yet here she was. Talking to a soon-be king that's acting like a man-child. Early in the morning nonetheless.

"Why are you hiding in your sheets...again your Highness?", she sighed, "Did someone ruin your mood?".

"No", a muffled voice sullenly mumbled.

"Did the second prince make fun of you?", she tried, wanting this over with.

"He didn't", it answered.

"Did you have a nightmare?", she said mockingly sweetly.

"I'm not a child thank you and it wasn't", the voice snipped back with annoyance.

"Then what has you so upset that's so important that sends your secretary into a panic?" she shot back with a raised eyebrow. She wasn't going to stay here all day and play this terrible game any longer than she had to. Maria was waiting for her with tea and snacks, and she wanted those snacks. She, however, could only imagine Maria's laughter over this situation to the point she'd spill her tea. Skyrana internally smiled at the thought but it soon poofed as the prince finally decided to answer with a groan. "I'm so lonely Skyrana, it's killing me slowly and seeping into my poor heart", he groaned, dragging out the words "lonely" and "killing". The crown prince was known for his romantic dramatics. She could only look in disappointment as she held the urge to hit him while he was in his feelings. Maria taught her that.

However, that means the plot was going according to plan and she was going to hate the next thing she had to say.

'Sooner this story goes along the sooner we can get this over with'.

Skyrana took a deep breath. "Why don't we hold a crown princess canidation? We can even hold balls while you get to know them", she forces a smile "We can even have small contests to find which one is best suited for the crown while you look for love". She cringed at her words. It was a terrible idea that would put greedy nobles in the palace while forcing others to participate. It would come to a head through bullying and sabotage if they went so far, but Skyrana couldn't intervene. The story had to play it's course and she had to play the role.

The idea seemed to grab the prince's full attention as he yanked the sheets from over his head to reveal sparkling eyes. " that's...brilliant!", he beamed loudly with light bouncing from him, leaving poor Skyrana to the mercy of the sparkles that bounced off her. "I'll even make it flower-themed like the flowers that'll attend and take part", he rambled as he motioned with his hands before suddenly stopping," Wait does that mean you'll be dressing for the occasion and attending? Though personally, you aren't well suited for it". The blank response poked a nerve hard but it was perfect. Skyrana wasn't able to attend in the original anyway and any excuse could veil a no for the prince. "I would be honored however I have something urgent in one of the territories that'll, unfortunately, leave me unable to go", she said.

"Oh that's a shame I'm sure a dress would've looked lovely on you," he said with a voice of pity.

"Yes, it very much is a shame but I'm sure it'll be wonderful", she sighed Putting on an act of sadness by putting her head on her hand; meanwhile in her mind she jumped, skidded on her knees, and happy cried in joy knowing there wouldn't be a debate.

The prince rolls out of the blanket cocoon and falls on the floor with a thud. "I need to get started right away! Skyrana, call for the maids to dress me and send word to the duke and florist shops that the prince would like to talk business with them", he boomed, standing while the blankets fell. Revealing he again slept in his robe loosely. "Oh yes and you're dismissed I need space to make this a wondrous night", he said blankly while shooing her. Looking over the prince who had blonde hair and blue eyes and a chiseled body from running away from training rather than participating, she cringed at her younger self for making such a character.

"Yes your Highness", she said as she bowed, nearly turning on her heels and leaving through the same door. Once it was closed behind her she let out a deep and exhausted sigh. Just then Ophelia was walking past mumbling about something before stopping in front of her and facing her. She tilts her head as if silently asking if something is wrong.

"The prince will be holding a flower-themed ball to find a crown princess canidation", she said quickly before Ophelia could ask verbally. Ophelia blinked at the sudden answer in surprise before a worried chuckle left her. The workers in the palace never seem accustomed to the prince's whims." I may or may not give him a harder time if he causes trouble, but I can already feel the chaos of preparation if it happens anytime soon", she said before laughing to break the silence of the hall. Pink curls in a low messy ponytail with fake glasses with the physician uniform on were common for Ophelia. Skyrana was at least proud she made a decent female lead. Now she just had to wait until their no fest during the ball and she could sit back and watch everything unfold from there.

Skyrana laughed at her blank threat towards the prince." I will be as well, he needs the training anyway so doing overtime should be good enough revenge for the maids and butlers", she confidently exclaimed while exaggeratingly hitting her chest armor with her fist. The sound of metal ringing through the hall before both girls break into laughter again.

 The sound of metal ringing through the hall before both girls break into laughter again

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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