Mt Misery

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By sunrise Yeji was hurting. She had stood completely still all night, in the cold, with no coat. She hadn't eaten or had water in 24 hours. Even though she didn't move, she could feel that her legs were locked in place from fatigue. She was damp from the dew, and her hands were shaking. Deep breathing helped her stay focused.

Soon Slipknot and his weaselly sidekick approached. The small man was barely managing to carry a bucket of sloshing water. Slipknot was carrying a large backpack.

"How are you this fine morning?" he asked.

"I'm living the dream, sir," Yeji shouted.

"You won't be, in a little while," the small man said sarcastically. Slipknot raised an eyebrow, smiled, and looked at Yeji.

"Permission to break both of his hands, sir?" she asked angrily.

"Not yet," Slipknot replied. "Vector, what made you so angry all the time?"

"I'm not angry," Yeji said sternly. "I'm Itzy strong. And your little smart-mouthed friend would make a perfect morning snack."

"My daughter has one of your EPs, you know."

"That's great, sir, but warn her that there are four women who will tell her that the cat-eyed lady is a total psycho when you get to know her."

"When this is all done, maybe I'll introduce you to my daughter," Slipknot said. "Her favorite member of your group is named Lisa, I think."

Yeji rolled her eyes. "Sir, Lisa is not in my group. On her best day she couldn't hang with us. And besides, I get paid to meet fans, and I take cash or Venmo," Yeji responded. A slight smile appeared on her lips. "Just joking, sir, I'd be glad to."

Slipknot laughed. "Don't worry about it, then. She doesn't know who you are. No one does. No one cares about your silly music. You don't exist anymore. I bet your group is doing better without you. But come to think of it, with you here, there's no one to protect them. Where are they right now?" he asked the smaller man.

"They are filming a commercial for Mercedes-Benz, sir. Then this afternoon they're doing a live stream on YouTube. Ryujin also has a mild cold."

Yeji's breath caught in her throat, and every muscle tensed. She balled her hands up into fists so tight her knuckles turned white and cracked. These are just head games, she thought. Ryujin is watching over them.

"Turn around," Slipknot ordered. He took the heavy backpack off and slipped it onto her shoulders. Yeji felt her spine compress and her feet push into the dirt. "This is 50 pounds. You will climb to the top of Mt Misery, retrieve a flag, descend the other side, and run five miles back to base. Then you'll get some food, rest, and a shower. But you have to be back by sunset."

Yeji gulped. "Yes, sir."

"One more thing," he said. He motioned to the little man, who handed him the bucket of water. He lifted it up and dumped it over Yeji's head. The water was ice cold. Yeji gasped.

"It might rain," the little man said.

"You and I are going to have a talk," Yeji thought.

. . . . .

Already shivering, Yeji walked off the base and got her first clear look at Mt Misery. She guessed that it was maybe 5,000 to 7,000 feet high. It was about two miles away, across a flat expanse of wet, marshy turf. She didn't stop to think.

Her boots sank about six inches into the wet ground with every step. The going was brutal, and soon her boots were full of water and her pants were covered in burrs from the knees down. But she was making decent time, and she gritted her teeth and sloshed closer and closer to the mountain.

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