𝟓 - 𝐏𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐲 - 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟

730 11 7

Request from @Sqh1nx
(Help idk how to tag..)

          Noah mumbled words to himself as he tapped his pencil on the paper. His best friend, Cody, came up to him.

"Hey Noah! What are you doing?" He asked with his gap-toothed smile. Noah blushed slightly and shook his head. He couldn't help but blush at the cute boy. "Uh, nothing," Noah responded, hiding the paper under his arms. "I saw you writing something," Cody said. Crossing his hands.

"Why do you want to know? Doesn't matter anyway," Noah scoffed, shooing Cody away. Cody sighed and went back to his seat. Class was about to start.

Noah continued writing his poem for Cody secretly, but still paying attention to the teacher. He was planning to confess to his best friend/crush through this poem. As of right now, it is not going well.

"Noah? Noah? Noah!" A person yelled. Noah flinched and quickly hid the pen and paper. He realized the teacher was talking to him. "Erm, yes miss?" He asked awkwardly. "Pay attention. You're my top student, you've never been this distracted," the teacher snapped. "Yes, sorry miss. It won't happen again," Noah claimed.

He went back to work, but more carefully this time. He felt Cody's eyes stare at him, but ignored it, working on the poem.

After class ended, Noah grumbled, taking the love poem and crumbling it into a ball. He walked out the door, throwing the piece of paper in the trash. Maybe he'll find another way to confess to Cody. Speaking of Cody, where was he?

I was the last one out anyway, Noah thought. He's probably waiting for me in the cafeteria. Noah approached his locker, exchanging items, then headed for the lunchroom.

He sat at his table. Izzy, Eva, and Owen were talking, waiting for Noah. He noticed Cody wasn't there. Noah sat down.

"Have you guys seen Cody? I can't find him. I thought he was waiting for me here," Noah asked. "Sorry buddy, I haven't seen him! Maybe he's sitting with his other friends," Owen answered.

Cody usually sat by his other friends, The Drama Brother, or his club/band, consisting of Harold, Trent, Justin, and sometimes, Gwen. But today, Cody was supposed to sit with Noah and his friends.

Suddenly, Cody burst through the cafeteria doors. Everybody was too busy talking and eating to notice the school's geek.

"Sorry I'm a bit late! I was doing something for a bit," Cody chuckled nervously. "Don't worry, it's fine," Noah answered. Cody's smile vanished, replaced with a blush when he spoke. He's acting weird.. did I do something? Noah observed.

Instead of sitting next to him, Cody sat next to Izzy. Not sitting next to me either. I definitely did something wrong, Noah thought.

After lunch, it was their break/recess. Before Cody joined Owen, Izzy, and Eva, Noah pulled him aside, away and isolated from most of the grade.

"Cody, you're acting weird around me.. did I do something wrong?" Noah asked, looking at him with nervous eyes. Cody blushed in response and look away, turning his head. "No, uh, it's nothing," Cody responded.

Noah got frustrated. "My eyes are up here," he said, putting Cody's head/chin in his direction. They both blushed even harder. "Tell me," Noah ordered softly.

Cody sighed. "Fine.. I saw your poem. I assumed that was what you were working on earlier..," Cody grumbled. Noah mentally slapped his forehead. Of course he addressed the speaker and receiver. "Is it true?" Cody asked. Noah's eyes widened. "What?"

"I asked if it was true. Everything you said about me. Do you love me?" Cody asked again. "I- fine. I like you.. like a lot. It's fine if you don't feel the same way, I understand, but-," suddenly Noah's face was on Cody's, their lips touching each other.

Cody's eyes were closed as Noah began to relax and close his eyes as well. Noah's hands were on Cody's waist, while Cody's hands were on Noah's neck.

Noah crouched down a little so Cody would be the same height as him. "Well guess what? I like you a lot too!" Cody laughed. "Wow, I thought you hated me," Noah responded, rolling his eyes.

Sry this was so short and lazy.
Again, sry if this was not what u we're looking for!!

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