Twenty-Two: Goodbye. Part Two.

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The music began playing...

"Yay!" Everyone shouted, clapping their hands and smiling widely at them.

Finn stood up, heading straight for Ashleigh, hugging her tightly.

Puck just sat there, staring at them.

Ashleigh smiled softly at Finn, patting his arm.

The next morning, Quinn walked down the hallway...

Quinn's Voice-Over: "Who would have thought I'd end my McKinley days where I started... back on top? I got into the school of my dreams, and we won nationals. I'm feeling stronger every day. Everyone else is so emotional. I don't feel that way. I guess I've shed enough tears for three graduations. Or maybe it's just hard to feel weepy when I look at my friends. They've grown into such incredible people. Nothing's gonna stop any of them. Well, maybe one of them."

Quinn stopped at a classroom, seeing Ashleigh helping Puck study.

"Countries of Central America."

"Uh, Costa Rica, Honduras... crap, I'm blanking." He muttered.

"Come on! This ain't beach towel night at Three Rivers."

Quinn's Voice-Over: "This school's given us all so many gifts, me especially. And I want my last week here to be about giving back a little of what I got."

A few minutes later, Quinn walked into the bathroom, finding Rachel...

"This freshman just gave me a hug and told me to never change. Poor thing is too young to realise that change can be so good. Think... if we hadn't changed, we would never have been friends."

"Still so weird having you call me a friend." Rachel said, smiling softly.


Quinn held out something to Rachel, and she took it.

"What's this?" Asked Rachel.

"A Metro North pass from New York to New Haven. I got one for Ashleigh and Blaine too. I also got myself one into New York. Everybody keeps talking about staying in touch, and I want to make sure we do."

"Thank you. Thank you. It's so sweet." Rachel says, hugging Quinn.

"Although I'm still not 100% sure that I'm for teen weddings, I'm really happy that you and Finn are together. You guys were meant to be."

"You know, it's weird, 'cause that's how I always felt about you and Puck." Rachel tells her.

"Ancient history."

"But you know what I mean. When you two were together, he was really at his best." Rachel said.

Later, Puck was over at Quinn's, and she helped him study, giving Ashleigh a break...

"Indian Ocean, show me."

"It's no use. My brain is like a Roach Motel; once the info checks in, it never checks out. I'm out of here." He says, standing up from the table, walking over to her bed, and grabbing his bag. "Don't worry, you still get your Brownie patch for trying to help a loser learn something."

"I'm not here for a patch. I'm here because I love you. You're my first."

"I kind of screwed up that experience, huh?" He asked, sitting down on her bed.

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