part 1: the morning after

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mentions of sexual things.

Your (M/ns) pov:

You woke up with Hoodie and Masky on either side of you, both without masks and a shirt. You questioned why you were in their bed, and why they didn't have clothes on. That was when you looked down and you didn't have anything on either. You blushed slightly, remembering the events of the night before. As expected, you were in pain. Trying to get up was a bit of a struggle without help since your now lovers were still asleep. You, still unclothed, grabbed a spare blanket lying around, probably thrown on the ground last night along with the other assorted clothes, and pillows, and wrapped it around you making it look like you were just tired. You limp down the hall and eventually get back to your room. You look around and notice the lights were turned on. Confused you went into the bathroom in your room and got dressed into some nice clothes and sat on your bed not noticing the man in the chair at your desk. "Must have hurt, didn't it?" You hear a voice say in a glitchy sort of way. You could tell it was ben just buy the voice, as he was your best friend, although the glitchyness would've made it obvious enough. "Were you waiting in my room for me?" You asked. "I came in when I saw you across the hall peeking out of their room" he said. You sigh and lay down dramatically on your bed. "I'm not telling you what happened in that room." You said. "Fine, but at least tell me what happened after you went up, that technically doesn't count since I didn't ask about the room." He says trying to sound smart. "After I went up where?" You asked sarcastically knowing what he wanted to hear. You two both found it funny to annoy each other for some reason. He gave an annoyed groan in response to your sarcasm. "Where do you think?" He said. "What happened after you went up?" He asked. "They asked me to be their boyfriend duh." you said in a serious way as if you didn't know what he wanted. "Are you kidding. Thats it. I want to know more. There's finally something going on here I'm not missing out on it. Not only that but you spent the night in there! Just tell me." He complained. You rolled your eyes annoyed and explained the night to him, not in much detail of course but enough so he pictured a few images and made a sort of disgusted face. "I didn't need every detail..." he said making a kind of gagging noise. "You wanted to know." You said while struggling to stand up again. He looked at you and held a hand out for you. "Do you need help or-...?" He waited while you stood. "Yes, but I don't know how I'll get downstairs.-" You reply. He helped you up and put a bandage around your knee. "What's this for?" You ask genuinely confused. "Incase anyone asks why your limping. Do you want jeff to make fun of you for being a bottom???" He says. "Its not a bad thing, But no I don't want that so this works I guess" you said as you started walking to the door with his help. In the end the bandage didn't help much because it was very obvious where you were hurt and why you were limping. It was a nice thought though. He was a good friend, but a slightly dumb one.

Sorry for short first chapter! I am editing this as of march 26th 2024 and realizing how short it was. Considering this was my first time ever writing my own story for anything other than school work it makes sense.                 -Mylo

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