13- Hurt Again ~part 2.

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So Iv'e decided, that I'm gonna do sequel to this story, but i don't know what i'm gonna call it yet, but i will definetly let ya'll know :) enjoy this chapter ^.^ -Aunya'

I'm starting out with Leilani's POV ;)

Leilani POV

I just sat there, speechless. I didn't know what to say, that Prod cheated on me for second time. I was having too much going on in one week. I just don't know how to handle it anymore. I feel like I'm going insane from this. I finally found out what I wanted to say to Jordan. "How'd you know Jordan?" I asked him. "Michelle told me." "Are you sure she wasn't lying?" As bad as I wanted to defend Prod, and believe that he didn't cheat on me a second time, I knew it was the truth. If he cheated once, he'll definetly cheat twice." Wise words from my mama. She knew how it felt to be cheated on, because my dad cheated on her. I was about 5 when it happened, but i remember it like it was yesterday... *FLASHBACK*  

"Jenene! I wasn't with that woman, stop assuming things!" my dad yelled. "I'll stop assuming when you come home at 3am! Telling me you work long hours! You have a part-time job stupid ass!" I heard a loud thump, and that was my mother, being pushed down the stairs. Me, nor my mother knew my father was so abusive. This was the first, and last time he would EVER get to hurt my mother. Even though I was only 5, my mom taught me to use the phone and call 911 if needed. So, I did. They ended up coming 20 minutes later, which for me, was too late considering my mother was hurt. She had a conncussion, but she healed over a year. My father was later tooken to jail. I lived without a father figure in my life, and my mother was trying hard to make ends meet. Then she became a stripper. She never thought I knew, but I did. I'd stay over my grandma's while she was at "work". I haven't seen my dad since that day, and i don't even care if i do. *END OF FLASHBACK* I haven't talked to my mom in this whole week. We had a argument, so we weren't exactly "on speaking terms" and i wanted to talk to her. I decided I'd call her after this conversation with Jordan. "Yes, I'm sure Leilani. I wouldn't lie to about anything like this." he assured me. "Alright. Thanks for letting me know that Jordan. Bye." I hung up my phone, and immdiately dialed my moms number.


Jordan POV

I let Leilani know about Prod cheating on her, and boy did it feel good to say it! Prod got what he deserved. He shouldn't have been messing with me, he obviously doesn't know what I'm capible of. I will KILL his bitch ass, and still get Leilani. I told Michelle about it, and she thought it was good that I told her. More pain she gets, the easier it'll be for her to run back to me. At a time like this, she's gonna need someone that tells her they care.. Love her.. I'll be just the man to do that, while her "Man's" not doing his job.

(A/N): I'm Sorry Jordan's POV was so short, I had writer's block. >_<


Prod's POV

Michelle called a little while ago, and told me she went to the doctor's office. She knew the gender of the baby, and I was having a son! No lie, I was excited. Rasing a little man. She sounded pretty excited too, and we we're planning on going shopping later for the baby. I was a little sad that the baby was by Michelle, because I always wanted to do this with Leilani. But, it is what it is now, and it doesn't matter now.  


this chapter is loooong overdue. it's been 3 days :o but i hope you liked it ^.^ -Aunya'

update will be tomorrow ! :D

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