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↳ ❝ ["𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒂 𝒗𝒂𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝒎𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝒊𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒂 𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒚"] ¡! ❞

(Beauty standereds from the Heian Era are in this chapter)
(Reader will have red eyes)



        [Dust collector]     
0:00 ⚬────── 2:48
        ⇆   ◃◃   ıı   ▹▹   ↻

-Heian Era-

A women was in a room holding a new born infant..she smlied down as she looked at her son.. her husband outside of the sliding door to enter the room.
"My dear son.." she said with a smile.. her blood red eyes looking at her son.. Her smile shining bright as she smiled at her son..Soon the door could be heard opening as footsteps approached the two.
"What shall we name him?" Her husband said as he sat on his knees as he looked at his son. The mother looked at her child before coming up with a name.

"How about a Muzan Kibutsuji? [           ]?"

The women smiled.

From the day muzan was born he was sick.. his family worried the worst thinking he had died.. he had made no noises and his heart had stopped at random times.. His mother looked worried at her baby. She wanted to keep hope of her baby being alive. Though as the days passed she was losing hope. Her son had never made a cry or a noise..
The family officially thought the boy had died and decided to cremate him. The mother delicately picked up her child with a frown on her face. She kept on thinking maybe her son isn't dead.. and just taking a long nap.. though he was still a baby. She prayed to the gods for her baby to be alive. She just wanted her son to  live a normal life but everyone thought he had died with his heart stopping randomly and since he never cried.. She picked up her Son in her arms as she looked down at her son's face.. plush soft.. but no emotions coming from it.. she felt like she might cry from seeing her son. She gave a kiss to the baby before going to the soji door opening it.

Her long silk robes dragged back on the ground as she walked towards to soji door where her husband was standing next to. Some maids and helpers looked at the women with a frown as they knew what was going to happen..He looks at his sad wife. She wishes that her baby was alive.. but who knew if he was still alive..

Once they opened the door they wore their wooden sandels out as they stepped onto the grass. The cold air of the night hitting them as the trees slightly swaying as the moon shined brightly above it all. It was a full moon as the moon was shining pure white with stars sprinkled around the midnight sky making it look magical for a not so magical occasion. Y/n held a oil lamp as looked at the scene wishing maybe her son would see this..

They went to go cremate their poor son still thinking the poor boy is dead on the cold night.. But once they got there a cry was heard.. Y/n looked down at her baby.. He was crying.. Her baby was still alive! Her and her husband's face showed shock as they started to cry. The mother quickly kissed her baby's tears before trying to calm her baby down. She was also about to cry by the fact she knows her baby is alive!  "Sh sh. Dont worry mamas here" she said as she cradled her baby.

Y/n and her husband quickly went back as once they got back their husband quickly told the maids to get a room ready. The maids rushed to get the room ready as the muzan cried. "Sh sh.. My dear child..Mama is here for you" she said as her tried to calm her baby down.

Soon the maids got the room ready as of request and she walked towards the soji door. Her hands gently sliding open the door before walking into the room. Her son stopped crying as he made some babbling sounds at his mother which warmed her heart. Her son was alive and well making noises! She placed her son down as she looked at him. His red eyes big and beautiful as he babbled and makes noises. "You have my eyes.." she said smiling.

-A few years passed-

Y/n woke up and risen from her futon. She pulls downs the white blanket as she gets up to get ready for the day.  Her maids picked out the outfit as they brushed her hair. She had long h/c hair. Her hair almost reached the floor.

She wore a beautiful outfit as she got her makeup done and made her teeth black. She soon got in her outfit which took a while since there was a lot of fabric.

(The clothes. You can pick the color of the outfit)

Y/n leaves the room as she goes to a different room. She opens the soji door to see a boy with black hair laying in his futon still asleep. She smiles as she goes by his side and sits next to the sleeping boy.

"Wake up " she said as the boy could be heard slowly waking up. His eyes fluttered open as his red eyes looked as his mother's red eyes. His black messy hair as his eyes still sleepily looks. "M..mother.." he said to her. " goodmorning the doctor is coming today to check on you" she said as she looks at her son.

He had his fathers (and yours if you have black hair) hair but your ruby red eyes. It brought a gentle smile to your face. A maid comes in as she came to inform that breakfast was ready. "Madam.. Breakfast is ready" Mikato said as she bowed. " Bring My son his breakfast and also do the check up" She said as she gave a smile goodbye to her son before getting up and going to eat with her husband.

" Yes Madam.." Mikato said before also leaving the room. Muzan was a bit sad when his mother left. He always wanted to stay by his mother side. His mother was the only one who treated him actually like apart of the family.. his father barely saw him since he was "weak". But his mother cared for him no matter what.. even if he was weak.. A true mother and son relationship. She promised thar she will find a way to make him better.. no matter the price.. she would go to the moon and back for her son.. and he would do the same for his dear mother.. to say

He was a  𝑴𝑨𝑴𝑨𝑺 𝑩𝑶𝒀.



Authors note: Helllo! I hope you enjoy my new book! Yes it is another KNY Book..😅 I have been a bit busy with school.. Also a new chapter for the Yandere tokito twins book might come out prior to the release of this book👀

But yeah! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also yes the name is from a song.. since I couldn't get the idea out of my head. Anyway Thank you for reading!

Word count: 1206

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