- 4- (valentine day special)

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(NAME) was walking through the infinity castle peacefully. How many years as it been since she was turned into a demon by her son? The time just seems to fly after so long. (Name) sighs as she opens a shoji door to the next room. 

 Oh yes, the meeting room. Which was used not too long ago.

"Isnt there going to be a new meeting.. With the Uppermoons I assume" (Name) said sighing as she walked through the halls. It has been a long time since her transformation as a demon so her appearances have changed though mostly being her hair style and clothing choices.

 She wears much lighter clothes which are still traditional but they have less layers than her old clothes. 

Her kimono an (F/C) with matching pins. It was a good quiet day in the infinite castle.  Soon she heard running and also yelling.. just great.

"LADDDDYYYY (NAME) " A squeaky girl voice said before (Name) was tackled into a hug from someone behind her. "Daki? " (Name ) Awnsered as once the hug ended they looked at the girl. Daki's hair always reminded Y/N (And me) of a reverse scallion. But never mind that.

"Yes daki? What do you need " Y/N awnsered as they looked at the girl who seemed beaming with happiness. Soon Gyutaro came scratching his face, It seems he had been running after his sister if she run off again. "We just completed our mission! And we got you a gift! " Daki said as she gave Y/N a hair pin. "Dakiiii thought it would greeaatt on youu.." Gyutaro said with his scratchy voice.

The hair pin was a simple black hair pin with small printings of spider lilys on it. "It is wonderful  Daki" (Name ) said as she took the pin and put it in her hair somewhere. Daki smiled at her before she went back to annoying her brother. 'Such sweet kids' (Name ) thought as she continue on her walking before hearing a biwa string. 

(Name) was now in the meeting room standing, She is guessing that the meeting will start? 

Soon all the other uppermoons started to be teleported into the meeting room by the sound of nakimes biwa strings. 

' Everything must go smoothy but if so why was this meeting called? '  Y/N thought before she snapped outta her thoughts noticing the uppermoons assembling at the lower platform. First Daki and Gyutaro then Gyoko and Hatengu after Akaza and Aouma.. finally Kokushibo was summonded on the lower platform.

This will be a loud meeting..


(Valentine day special!)

Y/N was sitting in the night garden of the infinity castle as she was watering the plants. Soon she heard some footsteps coming towards her. She looked over to see a lovely painted pot with F/C colors on it and a little paper written with. "Happy valentines day - Gyoko." 

"Awww how sweet" Y/N said as she placed the pot near some orchids. 

Then when Y/N was walking down to the halls she hearding then an crash and yelling.

It was akaza, Douma and kokushibo! "Ah is there something you three need? " Y/N asked looking at the three uppermoons. "Well we wanted to give you F/F! also happy Valentines day! " Douma burst with joy in his voice like normal. Kokushibo nodded sliently as Akaza looked like he wanted to punch doumas head off. 

Y/N was a bit surprised.. It was valentines day but what is with all the gifts?? "Well thank you guys for the food. " She smiled as she gladly took the f/f and the three were on their way gone.

It had been a tired day, Y/N sighs as she goes to her sons study to see if he is there. Y/N and brought a gift for her son since well she thought he deserved it during these days... though muzan prefers not to indulge on mortal holidays anymore.

She peeked into the office before smiling as she enter the office. Muzan seem to notice his mother entering the room as he stops what he is doing and looks at her. "Is there something you need mother? " He asked raising one of his eyesbrows.

"Well I wanted to say Happy valentines day dear " Y/N smiled as she placed a flower in his hair. Muzan looked a bit surprised at that action. " mother i thought i told you, I dont like to celebrate these types of things" Muzan awnsered as he looked up at her. "I know dear but come on lets go for a walk you been inside all say" Y/N leads muzan out of the castle with nakima biwa as the two enjoy a night walk.




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