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[Isabellas Lullaby]

0:00 ⚬────── 2:27
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𝗜𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴, Y/N woke up as her eyes flickered open and slowly adjusted with the light in the now shining room filled with a warm sunlight from the window. 

She slowly got up remembering last night. She sighed as it just might have been most late night illusion. She slowly got out of her futon and went to go change out of her current clothes.

She changed into a new kimono and got her hair brushed. Her make was done.

(Note in this older times hair will be long, very sorry but it will be changed)

Y/N walked on the tatami mat floors through the Estate and she went to check on her son. She saw The caretaker of her son knocking on the shoji door looking worried. Y/N was confused as she saw this. Soon the caretaker noticed Lady Y/N and look worried.

"Lady Y/n! I ask though lord muzan has been burning when sunlight touched him.. and his room was bloody when I went to go give him food! " The caretaker said as they looked at Y/N. Y/N looked shocked or confused? maybe both.  

This was weird how was her son burning when sunlight touched him? "Can I see him? " Y/n asked as she put a hand to her chest as she looked at the servant. 

"Be careful.." They said before they left leaving Y/N in front of the shoji door which behind held her son. She took a breath before carefully sliding the door open looking into the room. 

The room was dark all windows were covered as the room looked like it had been attacked and ruined. In the middle was a futon and a boy who back was turned. Y/N slowly stepped into the room as she looked nervous yet worried. "Muzan? " She called out to her son. 

Muzan body froze before his head turned to his mother. A  wound was on his face near his eyes which looked like burning to heal?. y/n looked in shock as she sat onto her knees as she held her sons face. 

"What happend! That isnt normal at all.. We should call the doctor.. " Y/N said as she noticed how it looked like it was burning with little fires slowly healing. "Mother.. It hurts.  " Muzan said as his red eyes looked into hers. "Dont worry my son.. I will grab bandages- "

Before the words could have been spoken the wound was gone? It had heal itself? Y/N looked in shock and confusion.. what was going on, How did the wound heal itself? Many questions went and flooded into Y/ns head as she held her sons face. 

Muzan was older though she still treated him like he was a child. He had grown yet his mother still treated him as if he was a young boy still sick.. She didnt know the truth..


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I was laying on my bed looking to the side as my mother left the room and the doctor came in. This doctor was supposed to heal my illness which had bothered me, my whole life. The doctor came close as he put down his case not too close to my futon which I laid in.

The doctor coughed as he sat down onto his knees and opened the brown wooden case. " Young lord. This medicine will help heal you of your terrible sickness." The doctor said as he held what looked like a blue tea like liquid which was placed into a sealed thing to keep it from spilling. 

"It is only a prototype of the full medicine but I want to make sure it works and to see if it can truly heal you." The doctor said to me as my red eyes looked at the liquid. I slowly sat up looking at it. "What is it made of? It is blue " I asked looking at the doctor who looked at my red eyes before looking away.

 "It is made from a piece of a flower called the blue spider lily. It is quite rare and hard to find then normal spider lily's since there is only one in japan" The doctor spoke as he opened the medicine and gave it to me. "It  is better as a tea." He said once to me as he fixed something in the case as I looked at the medicine. "This better heal me. " I said before drinking the tea.

Soon once I had finish I felt pain in my body more than I had before. My whole body hurt as I felt angry. I held my head as I felt strikes of pain into my body. The doctor looked scared as he packed up the case. The cup fell to the ground and shattered which sound have caused a sound if it wasn't for the tatami mats.

"You lier! This didnt heal me!" I shouted at the doctor who looked scared at me as I towered over him. Soon I felt a bloodlust and attacked him. His screams of terror and calls for help soon stopped as I ate him. I ate a human .  this was sick of me yet he tasted horrible. 

Blood splatter in my room. The doctors blood had dirtied my room. That medicine gave me more pain than healing me. though I did feel a bit better. I still felt disgusted by the man. Though What would my mother feel of me now.. I just murdered a man who came to heal me. I sighed as now it would have been late at night. I went to change my clothes and wash my hands since blood had dirtied me. 

Though I wonder how far this may held. What was that flower he called it.. Ah yes the Blue spider lily. Though the medicine was only a prototype. That stupid doctor. He sure was bound to die for this stupid mistake.

Should I tell mother? I dont want her to hate me but Should she know? Maybe later in the next days I can tell her. 



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