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When Sarina woke up she saw that she was in an unfamiliar area that was black and white. Then she remembered what had happened with her which only made her blush deep red. She had passed out right in front of kid, she mentally kept hitting herself in the head as she whined.

"I'm so stupid." She said to herself only to see Kid come into the room

He sighed when he saw her. "Sarina, I know you wanted to starve yourself and such but since you're under my watch you're going to have to eat at least a bit while you're here."

She frowned. "F-Fine...B-but I feel too light headed to move Kid."

He then went over to her and picked her up with ease as he left the room with her arms around his neck as she lightly wrapped her legs around his waist as she was carried on his back.

"I feel odd being carried like this."

"Until you can walk on your own you're stuck like this. Get over it." Kid said seriously as he looked to her. "I refuse to see you get harmed. You really have no idea just how much I care for you do you?"

She shrugged. "I can't tell what's fake and what isn't anymore."

He sat her down in a chair before he pushed her in and kissed her cheek softly. "Everything I've done has been because I love you Sarina, don't you ever think for a moment that I don't at least care a small amount for you because I care more about you than anyone else."

She blushed as she looked to him. " K-Kid...Do you really care that much about me?"

"Yes, now eat alright?"

She nodded her head and she silently ate, without knowing that she was eating at an alarming fast rate. It showed that while she ate that she had starved herself from how only her bones showed through her skin and how fast she ate. She blushed a bit as she gave out a small burp which she covered her mouth for and for the fact that she ate more than she usually did.

"Um...E-Excuse me."

Kid only shook his head as he went up to her. "Feeling any better?"

"A bit...But not enough to walk on my own." She said as she looked to him.

"That's why I asked. Hold on as tight as you can Sarina."

She did as she was told and he took her back to his room where he kept her company. He told her all that she needed to know and she placed her head against his chest before falling asleep, Kid smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"Sleep well Sarina, I hope soon that you can figure out just how to get into the school with your own weapons." He said softly as he cuddled as he wrapped his arms around her.

Perfect dream come true [Death the kid Love story] Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now