Wheres Cody?

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A/N: this chapter will manly involve Woodrow Burns the uncle of 4 Burns siblings and the younger brother to Charlie Burns, so let's get to it.... Woodrow and some of his friends have been exploring the Amazon Jungle for 3 weeks trying to find an accent medallion, that has been kept in a tomb for many years,

The medallion has been passed down from father to son/daughter, or Brother to brother or sister, for centuries, Woodrow doesn't know that his younger nephew has gone missing,
Charlie and other older kids have been trying to contact him for a while, how will they break the news to him when he comes visit,

-1 week later-

Woodrow came to Griffin Rock with a happy mood, but once he got there, the town became dark, gloom, and gray, people were sad and depressed, people didn't hurt themselves, without Cody the town was different,

Doc Green hardly had any motivation to make inventions, Frankie being isolated in her room, the only time she ever came was for school, going to shower, using the restroom, or eat, without Cody, saying: "noble" "that's so cool" "uh you kinda lost me there" or other things that makes Doc's inventions more interesting and fun, Frankie misses her best friend, the only person who would stay by her side almost every single day, saving each others lives when there a trouble,

Woodrow walked around the town, to him it seemed creepy and haunted, like a ghost town, with no color of life, the sun is being blocked by the grayish blue clouds in the sky, but the only thing that was good was it's food and beverages, he made it to the firehouse,

"Hey big bro it's me" he said, Charlie let's him in, they hug, Woodrow can see his brothers face is very depressed, "Woodrow we gotta talk..." he said breaking the silence, he lets Woodrow in and they headed to the bucker,

The bots, Kade, Dani, and Graham were more depressed that Charlie, "Charlie what's going on and were's Cody" he said, no one said anything "Charlie where is Cody?" He asked,
no one responded "Where.is.Cody?" He asked again, , "Charlie where is Cody?!" He yelled, he grabbed Charlie by the collar of the shirt,

Charlie removes his hands calmly, "Cody has gone missing" he told his brother, everyone explains what had happened, "it's been hard for all of us we don't know where he is, his electronics are broken so we can't track him down" Charlie said,

Woodrow couldn't believe his ears his youngest nephew gone missing, this shocked him to the core, no wonder the town has gone gloomy, it's not the same without Cody, *where is he?* he thought.

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