Raising Kane

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Kane's life was a rough one but here in hell we consider that normal parents nowhere to be found and ending up in some pound now in said pound kane grew up learning a few things.

One, remember the scents of those you don't fuck with,

Two find friends to help you when you need it,

Three don't die

And growing up in the pound wasn't the best way to grow up for a hellpup growing up in a cage surrounded by ugly pups or straight up feral ones. Kane wasn't a fan of the ugly ones their eyes just didn't look right to him so like every reasonable being in hell he pushed them around because he could as for the feral ones it was a fight on sight. Kane did it to survive and doing it for as long as he did he began to enjoy it the fighting, the pain, the blood, the winning, the losing, mostly the winning part. Because of all the fighting kane gained a few battle scars nothing to bad and would be be covered up by fur

This is how Kane lived through the years wake up, eat, the occasional fight ,eat some more, then sleep

Seeing as he was never adopted Kane clawed the walls marking the days until he was set free from this hell inside of hell which was today. Not having much that he owned he fixed his blood red hoodie throwing the hood over his head before walking out the the double doors. All sorts of sounds and scents filled his ears and nose and a smile slowly made its way to his face

"This is going to be so much fun" Kane said his tail swaying back and forth as he made his way down the road wondering the sloth ring of hell and not beging all that interested he skips past the envy ring for obvious reasons and ends up in the lust ring

"Satan it smells like sex everywhere" he said swatting at his nose not used to the strong smell of fornication walking around the ring he learns that the demons, incubuses, and succubuses that live in this ring are heavy about the whole sex thing. After being locked up in a cell for so long you'd think he'd jump at the chance the first hole that gave him the chance, but no our K9 is on a mission on his own to which he doesn't know yet. He's only eighteen and has been in a cell his whole life let the guy find his calling

As he's walking along the sidewalk he spots a bar with a purple LED sigh above it that read "THE NETHER REGION" with a few bucks in his pocket he figured it couldn't hurt to try liquor for the first time.

Opening the door the few people, excuse me demons in the bar stop what they're doing and look at him like kids in a classroom making the hellhound uncomfortable to say the least but he quickly shook it off 'i survived the pound i can take these cucks in a fight' he thought walking up to the bar

Sitting on a stool at the bar his met with a female bartender a fairly tall purple succubus dress in a loosely buttoned up shirt and black pants looked nice enough for hell's standards.

She looked Kane up and down "what can i do for you hun" she asked the young hell hound sitting in her bar "uhm i uh" Kane clears his throat causing the bartender to giggle "can i have something you recommend for a someone new to drinking?" Kane asked not liking the feeling of being new at something. The bartender smiled at him "i think i have something for you baby" she said in a low calm voice that brough pleasure to his ears making them perk up 'she doing that on purpose or is it because she's a succubus?' He thought as he watched her pour his drink his eyes glancing at her cleavage and back to his drink.

After she was done pouring it he picked it up and held it to his snout before reeling his head back at the strong smell coming from the drink causing the succubus to giggle at him only this time she actually laugh at him. Having his pride attacked he took a swig of the drink before coughing a bit but holding in the rest of it the burning feeling in his throat from the liquid still there

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