D.H.O.R.K.S (No role modelz p2)

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After being carried out of the house and placed in the car by sill the sound of the door closing snapped him awake but he wasn't in the car anymore. His eyes and ears opened to darkness and gun fire he didn't remember this but dying in a drug trip wasn't on his to do list.

Kane blinked a few times as the black slits in his eyes grew to take in whatever light it could find for him to see. Looking around him his hellish heart drops he's surrounded by dead mob imps with bullets wounds and he knew one of the corpses

"Ah damnit joey, didn't think I'd see your body full of holes. This isn't real" kane said in condolence to his friend forgetting this was all a bad trip but it was cut short as more gunfire was laid down. Kane stuck his arm out and fired back blindly and the the shouts of pain it seemed like he hit three out of the seven shots he let out. Their retaliation was a rocket kane knew it was a rocket by the sound it made and as it flew over him and the cover he was behind ans spray painted on the rocket was "message from the don"

And as the the rocket exploded kane blacked out again and opened his eyes and he was back in Mickey's but he was younger and they were sat at the table, just them. The green fire crackling in the back

Mickey took puffs from his cigar, slowly blowing out the smoke that filled his imp lungs

Mickey: You know, I've been thinking a lot lately about the path we're on, the choices we make, and the consequences they bring. It's not an easy life we lead, and I've seen firsthand the darkness it can bring to people's lives.

Kane: I understand, Boss. It's a tough world out there, and we have to do what we can to survive and protect our family.

Mickey: Yes, we do. But, at the same time, I've come to realize that family is more than just blood ties. It's about loyalty, trust, and doing right by one another.

Kane: I've always felt like part of this family, Boss. You took me in when I had nothing, and I'm forever grateful for that.

Mickey: I'm glad to hear that, You've grown up in this hell, surrounded by violence and deceit. But I want you to know that there's no more to life than this. We take what we want and go through whoever we need to too get it.

Kane: I've seen the suffering caused by our actions, Boss. It doesn't weigh much on my conscience. I won't turn my back on the life you've created for me

Mickey: It's not about turning your back on what we've built. It's about using the power and influence we have to climb the ranks and put this family at the top soon we'll be the right hand of Mammon himself. Then no one could or would dare touch us

Kane: I never thought of it that way, Boss. I always saw myself as a cog in the machinery of this world, unable to change anything.

Mickey: You're not just a cog. You have the potential to be so much more. But it's up to you to decide what kind of legacy you want to leave behind. Do you want to be remembered as a ruthless mafia member who made it to top and made a name for himself or as someone who died like a no named bitch who the lowest of the low can't remember

Kane: I want to make a name for myself i want everything, Boss. I want to take everything for myself and put our family at the top of the rest. I want to ensure that no one else has what we have. We'll run the greed ring

Mickey: That's the spirit. Remember, power is just about control and dominance. It comes with responsibility and the ability to change and control lives for your benefit. I'm proud of you for having this mindset.

Kane: Thank you, Boss. I won't let you down. I'll use the influence I have to put thoes below me under my foot, bring riches of all kinds, protect our family and rule the greed ring.

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