Hound Party

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Waking up with bee was about as pleasing as one could think having breakfast being made for him and bee took it upon herself to get him some clothes that suited him better like his usual style giving him a bag that had black suit pants and a golden yellow dress shirt with a faded honeycomb pattern taking up the bottom left and upper right part of the shirt and black dress shoes. Kane thanked bee with a normal kiss on her cheek and a slap on the ass

Beelzebub already had everything ready for the "small get together" she was throwing and like every big party that everybody who's anybody is going to people stared to pile in no matter the time difference in no time the party was in full swing. Music blaring the bass bumping, different conversation going on at once hounds getting drunk and having fun.

Kane wouldn't admit it but he was having fun. He was leaning on the railing on the top floor cigar between his fangs as he looked down at all the hounds parting down below. Sighing as he exhaled smoke from his lungs the smoke being almost the same color as his shirt. Then he felt four arms slither around his torso

"Aren't you going to greet your subjects my queen?" He said taking the cigar out his mouth and tapping the ash off of it

"They can wait, gotta say hi to my favorite al capone" bee said running her finger under Kane's chin

"Do you even know who that is party girl?" He chucked snuffing out his cigar and turning to the queen

"I know he was a mobster that's all that matters" bee looked past kane for a spilt second her eyes widened "i should get to making my entrance make sure everyone's vibes are good" her wings started to buzz as she began to float over to the disco ball before getting everyone's attention onto her and her singing soon followed

'Cotton candy huh' kane thought to himself looking down at the party goers and doing a double take when he spotted a hellhound in a red dress next to a bigger hellhound that looked familiar "why is she with him?" He said to no one  but his question was answered anyway

"By the way she's looking at him I'd say she's crushing hard. But thats just me" kane turned his head a bit to be met with a imp dressed in a rather slutty outfit if he had to describe it the imp was dressed in in a loose black tank top with a row of white canine teeth on it and a pair of incredibly short black shorts and pink and black thigh highs.

Kane couldn't remember the last time he was with a imp if he ever has. Can't remember

Kane looked back down to where loona was as she was now covered in cotton candy "fuck do you know" he said not being very fond of the idea of loona liking someone else even though, they weren't a thing and he JUST spent the night with bee

"Well i know that she's down there with someone else and I'm up here with you" the imp said slinking her arm around his and her other hand on his crotch

Kane turned to the imp who obviously wanted something from him and he noticed something while actually looking at them. Their horns. Their horns had a thick pattern to them and the roots of her hair was a lot lighter than the rest of her jet black hair. As kane tilted his head and narrowed his eyes you could see the gears in his head turning as he was putting two and two together and in this case it didn't make four

Kane looked the imp up and down and pondered the idea of giving the imp what he wanted "maybe another time" he said taking out two cigars. One going in his mouth, the other he clawed his number into it and with his free hand he put his thumb in the imps mouth and pulled it open, slipping the cigar with his number on it in the imp's mouth before closing the imps lips onto the cigar lightly slapping him on the face twice before walking away lighting his own cigar to say hello to loona

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