Killer of Visitors (Prussia x R.E Yandere AU)

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Thank you all for over 800 reads, that is just amazing! I know this took like 2 months to write, and I know it didn't come out when I said it would, but I'm really proud

Requested by... Babeyshamushipz! I hope you enjoy, and sorry for the long wait
This is the longest chapter I've written on Wattpad (10,000 words!)

CW: Blood, stabbing, poisoning, and a mention of drugging (poppy flowers/opium)

Prussia always fascinated the Russian Empire. Maybe it was the way he wrote, or possibly the elegant way he managed to make him feel just about anything with simple words, gestures or just his presence: frustration, loneliness, bliss and desire were among the most common.

Was it odd? Certainly, but the R.E craved it all like an addiction. The teases Prussia would either write in his infrequent letters or say with a smile were just as irritating as they were lovely. His light, feathery touch was warm and confident. A touch the empire only got to feel on rare occasions. Without him around, R.E felt alone, even when his other companions were near.

Prussia was special, and even though they had conflicts from time to time, the way they felt about each other was never affected. Even during said conflicts, Prussia still found it fun to playfully insult him through letters.

That was why he was covered in the blood of a formerly alive country.

Spain was always a nuisance to him. This particular version of Spain was louder than usual, and was annoying beyond belief. She was brutish; far from what his beloved Prussia deserved. He felt the multiple stab wounds that made holes in her back were justified.

A few wounds were for his own satisfaction. The one that left her without a tongue was his favorite of the cruel injuries he inflicted once she had already bled out. He had waited for her to pass out from the poppies he left in her tea before even drawing his dagger, because he had standards, as any country should.

Convincing her to visit was no problem. One invite to a get-together over tea later and now they were here with blood on the floor, dripping off his clothes and soaking into her outfit. She hadn't even worn a dress, like a proper kingdom should've.

Having no respect for her, he dragged her by the hair. Now that he had a moment to think, he tried to recall how this came to be. What she did, or maybe what she said.

Then it came back to him. She'd said something flirty, which was already crossing a line he thought no one would step over. When Prussia didn't give the response she was looking for, she kept pestering him until he moved from his spot at the table. Prussia had sat next to R.E.

"Maybe I'll thank you for that," he chuckled, only now realizing where he had dragged her. "I take that back. You deserve no thanks," he blurted. Thanking her for anything seemed generous, now that it was said aloud. Shaking his head, he refocused on the task at hand.

R.E looked around, and took in the countless dying flowers that made up the garden. He was never good with plants, but Prussia liked them, so he planted a couple different flowers in hopes of pleasing him. They were all withering into dirt. An upsetting sight, but it was just another thing Prussia could playfully tease him for.

While he watched them sway and flake away, with Spain's hair still in his hand, he got an idea. With nothing but an eerily calm smile, he dropped Spain and grabbed the shovel leaning on the bench. R.E recalled inviting Prussia to sit with him. That was when Prussia scolded the plants and tried to give advice about how to care for them. He even demonstrated on one patch. That patch had returned to its state of decay.

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