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Jessie's POV

I hurry into the locker room, where the chatter abruptly stops as soon as I enter. Three girls—Erica, the new hire; Milly, my occasional coworker; and Lyn, my immediate supervisor—glare at me.

Their glare make me self aware.

"Hey, guys," I greet them, heading to my locker. HR called, asking me to meet them in the office.

They don't answer but continue to glare.

Their hostile stares confuse me. I've been away all week, so I can't imagine what I did wrong. With no time to dwell on it, I change into my uniform and leave the room, their eyes following me.

The tension nags at me. Could this be why HR called me in?

What did i do?

I take the elevator to the second floor. As the doors open, I step out and head to HR. I knock once and enter when invited.

Behind a cluttered desk sits a petite woman with glasses perched on her nose, a look of perpetual confusion on her face.

"Jessica Ward... uh... job..." she mumbles quickly, rifling through her papers.

I brace myself for a termination letter, assuming Oliver Cooper must have ordered it after I badgered him into blocking me.

"Review this contract and have it signed by the end of the day," she finally says, handing me the papers.

I raise my brows in confusion.

I glance at the heading and return them to her. "I can't accept this."

"You haven't even read it," she protests.

"I've seen enough. I don't want the promotion." I state, handing it back.

"I'm just following orders," she explains, flustered.

"Tell your boss I prefer earning my promotion," I say.

She nervously nods and dials a number. "Jessica has rejected the promotion, sir... Yes... Right away, sir." She hangs up.

"He wants you to go to his office," she informs me.

"No," I reply.

"He said it's an order if you refuse," she insists.

I stare at her and realize just like me, we are both working under the same man, and she's just a messenger. Eventually, I reluctantly agree.

Oliver Cooper's POV

Gina fiddles with a pen as Gerald, the head of the kitchen, lists complaints about her. She's been moved through four departments this week, each with similar grievances.

She's trying to wear me down, but I won't give in.

"I'll handle it, Gerald," I say, dismissing him. He shoots Gina a distasteful look as he leaves.

My phone buzzes softly, a signal of Jessie's arrival. A rush of anticipation tingles down my spine. There's something about her name, the way it appears on my phone, that always stirs a mix of curiosity and unease within me.

"Wait outside; I'm not done with you," I tell Gina. She lazily drags her feet as she exits. Jessie enters as Gina leaves.

"How was your week?" I ask, noting she still wears that long uniform. I thought it was a one-time thing.

"Relaxing," she says, fiddling with her nails. I sigh, disappointed that her curly hair is now straightened and tied into a bun.

"You didn't go on that vacation the company paid for," I remark.

"Yeah," she replies curtly.

I am tempted to ask why, but choose to remain professional. She must have her reasons.

"Are you mentally okay to start work?" I ask.

"I am, but I want to stay in my current position," she insists.

"What's wrong with the promotion?"

"I didn't earn it. Others deserve it more."

"I think you do," I counter. "Your coworkers and supervisors have praised you. Your promotion was inevitable, just a bit early."

"You should have asked more people," she mutters.

Ignoring her remark, I ask, "What will convince you to accept the promotion?"

"Nothing. My conscience won't allow it."

"How about I create a new position for you?" I suggest.

"What do you mean?" she asks, perplexed.

I call my receptionist to bring Gina back. When she arrives, I address both girls.

"Jessie will be in charge of you, Gina. She'll train you and direct you."

Their eyes widen in surprise.

Jessie protests, "I'm not qualified to train someone. I'm barely good at my job."

"You can always accept the promotion. Otherwise, she's your responsibility," I reply.

"Responsibility? Excuse me!" Gina snaps.

Jessie smiles wickedly, "Fine. She'll work under me."

"I don't work under anyone," Gina retorts.

"If we're done, may I be excused?" Jessie requests.

I nod. She leaves, and Gina stays behind.

"You can't be serious. I can't work with her," Gina complains.

"I am. Now, please shut the door as you leave," I say, returning to my reports.

She stomps her feet childishly and follows Jessie. I know Jessie will be back soon, likely due to something Gina does or doesn't do, and I look forward to seeing her again.

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