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Oliver Cooper POV

Three days ago.

I take slow steps, holding my newspaper close to my face as I read the business column, checking how the securities are trading today.

A smile spreads across my face, the share prices are up.

I reach my final step when suddenly, a clattering sound disrupts the tranquil atmosphere.

"Can't you wait for a decent time before you start breaking everything in my kitchen, Gina!" I state firmly.

"Sorry," a deep masculine voice responds.

My head jerks up just to confirm that Gina didn't transform into a man since the last time I saw her.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my kitchen?" I ask the half-naked man, my skillet resting on his well-sculptured arms.

He stares at me, his expression a mix of confusion and fear.

"This is Sebastian Allen. I'm sure you've heard of his family, the Nella telecom," Gina walks in wearing a white dress shirt. I fold my paper and hold it sideways.

"That does not answer why he is in my kitchen," I say, my expression turning serious.

She looks at me and then at the other man before sighing. "He is my guest."

I'm about to start lecturing her about her behavior, but I stop as I see Gina's puppy eyes. She gets me every time.

I sigh with defeat.

"Next time, tell me first," I say, and a smile forms on her lips, assuring me that she will.

A knock on the door diverts my attention away from Gina and the stranger in my kitchen as I walk over to open it. Cara smiles at me as she walks in.

"Sorry I'm late. It was quite a task you asked of me," she laments.

"How are you, Cara?" Gina says, finding the opening words to say to her. She's always dumbfounded around her, and Cara first focuses on the man with her. She then returns her gaze to Gina, giving me a side-eye in the process.

"And who is this?" Cara asks, her gaze lingering on the man.

"My guest," Gina says, bouncing on her heels, trying not to be nervous.

Cara purses her lips and takes her time to inspect the man.

"You're Sebastian, right?" she asks, and the guy nods, relieved that he's been recognized.

"Say hi to your sister," she says, and Sebastian's eyes darken, as if they share an inside joke or insult...

Gina takes note of the atmosphere and announces that she's going to help Sebastian get ready to leave.

I turn to find Cara staring at me. "You're afraid of her," she says.

"Me? What?" I pretend, feigning ignorance.

"Afraid of what she'll think if you set boundaries with her. She'll continue to take advantage of you," she says.

"No one's going to take advantage of me, especially a girl I've parented," I dismiss her claims.

"And since when do you know that guy's sister?" I turn the tables.

"Just know that the Nella aren't people to let close to your business or life," she warns, and I follow her to where she sits. Gina comes downstairs, and Sebastian is already dressed.

"I'll be back, just going to walk Seb to the parking lot," she says, and I know it's her way of staying away until Cara leaves.

I head to the kitchen to make Cara a drink and snacks since I may need her help, and it might take time. I brew coffee for her and make some pancakes.

"Dad wants to meet later. He has been so adamant, I don't know why," she says as I come back.

Hearing her say "Dad" is always weird. Sometimes I forget that she is talking about Mr. Wayne and want to remind her that our father is dead. It has never been easy accepting that she has her own different father.

I place the food on the table and sit beside her. "You should feel lucky your father is still here and wants to spend time with you," I say.

She shuts her eyes with guilt. "I think I am just a replacement for Andre, and I may never fill his shoes completely," she says.

"Don't say that. You two have come so far, and I know he cares," I reply.

She smiles and shakes her head. "You are taking this father thing seriously," she teases.

"I am," I acknowledge and check the files on her lap.

"You don't need to go this road. You are still young and successful. You can find love and have a family the traditional way," she says.

I gaze at my sister as she sips her coffee. Oh! so naive, some of us haven't been lucky in love like her with Quinn. The first man you meet and he is your forever. I once thought so with Nimo.

"Did you find a suitable candidate?" I ask shaking the thought. I chose her because, with everything we have ever been through, I have confidence in her perceptions of people. She can see things I would miss in plain sight.

"I compiled a list in a rush, but give me a week, and I will filter the best," she says.

"Remember, the woman I want to bear my children must be from a good family. It is safe that it will be someone who has something to lose, like me," I state.

I want a woman with whom I can enter into a contractual marriage, and she can give me heirs. She must come from a wealthy family and share the same beliefs as me. She will be compensated. I have been burnt by love over and over, and I am over it. It is safe this way. Just business and family.

"Why are you taking this road?" Cara puts her coffee aside and turns to me for an answer.

I could tell her the truth, the medical report, and my limited time, but that will just worry her. She has had to bear my worries for years, and I don't want to burden her with that again.

"It is the most beneficial decision for me, the woman, and the children involved," I decide to go with one truth and leave out the rest.

She turns away and picks up her coffee again. I know she still has her doubts, but she knows not to push me further.

She sighs and hands over the file. "He will be out in three days," her tone becomes calmer. I know who she is talking about. My uncle, Gina's father, and my father's brother who conspired to have my father killed.

I have been aware of his early release due to good behavior. I am yet to talk to Gina about it. She hates to talk about her parents. Yes, they betrayed our parents, but I took her in, and I have been responsible for her.

"Don't worry. He can't harm us anymore," I say.

"Gina?" Cara asks.

Cara doesn't trust Gina. She thinks maybe she came seeking our help to spy for her parents or seek revenge since we had her father arrested.

"I will talk to her," I say.

"Just be careful," she says, standing up and declaring that she has a board meeting. I assure her that I will go through the women in the file so we can start our initial interviews.

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