17-21. The Handsome Policeman in an Unsolved Case

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The Handsome Policeman in an Unsolved Case


"Captain, we are ready to enter the basement."
"Copy that. Be careful with everything."
"Understood!" Xing Zhao's fingers slipped from the headset, tightened the gun in his hand, and looked back to signal his teammates to follow.
This suburban villa has a huge basement, but unlike the use of basements by other families, this place has been carefully built into a terrifying cage.
The leader of the cult who had been controlled finally revealed the whereabouts of those poor girls after some "special torture methods", but it had been nearly a week since he was caught. After learning the news as soon as possible, Xing Zhao and his teammates quickly rushed to the villa for rescue.
It was dark underground. The team members turned on the flashlights in their hands and groped forward. They went down a few steps and opened an iron-locked door. What followed was a stench. Some team members couldn't bear it and stopped and retched. Xing Zhao frowned and winked, and the team members immediately suppressed their nausea, wiped the corners of their mouths and followed, sighing in their hearts: Brother Zhao is Brother Zhao, I can endure this.
The stench became stronger and stronger, and Xing Zhao and the team members finally saw through the barbed wire gate a few small separated cages, but it was silent inside, as if there was no one there.
Xing Zhao raised his palm, and everyone except him and another team member stepped back. Xing Zhao raised his fingers and counted down "three, two, one", then he heard a "bang". Xing Zhao and others kicked open the door violently. Everyone held guns and quickly aimed at the house, waiting for the enemy.
However, they were not attacked in any way.
Xing Zhao frowned and looked around cautiously. It was dark inside the small cage and he couldn't see clearly. A team member suddenly whispered: "Brother Zhao, there seems to be someone in here..."
Xing Zhao nodded. The team member stepped forward and kicked the door open. The lights were turned on, and a naked girl in the small cage was leaning against the wall. . The team member quickly squatted down and put his finger on the girl's nose. After a few seconds, he said sadly to the team members behind him: "Damn it, it's our fault for being late." "
Look elsewhere!" Xing Zhao directed everyone to take action.
Everyone looked solemn and went to open the cages one after another. Xing Zhao quickly came to the last cage. In the same arrangement, a naked girl was lying on the ground, but she was so skinny that her skin had a sickly transparency because she had not seen the sun. . Xing Zhao didn't care about the difference between men and women. He raised his hand to take her into his arms, touched the artery on the girl's neck with his fingers, and loudly said to the outside: "Someone is alive!" "The girl here is also alive
... ..."
"I also have the breath of life here..."
The sounds one after another came hazily into the girl's ears. She hummed unconsciously, her eyes opening and closing. In the haze, Xing Zhao picked her up from the waist and whispered to her: "Hold on!"
That voice seemed to pass through thousands of mountains and rivers, and suddenly settled on the girl's weak heart.
The black hair fell down, revealing the girl's pure and beautiful face. Even though she was tortured by this inhuman environment and became thin and emaciated, it still could not detract from the girl's natural beauty. Xing Zhao was shocked and distressed for a moment, but he quickly rushed out of the basement. The rescue team outside had been waiting for a long time. Xing Zhao handed the girl to the rescue workers, but the girl's eyes opened slightly and she looked at him. The fingers moved slightly, as if to retain Xing Zhao. However, Xing Zhao had already turned around and left, following the other team members to continue the rescue.
Xing Zhao completed his mission and returned to the police station to explain his mission. Captain Yu Hang said bitterly after hearing this: "It's all our fault for wasting time in the first place. We dealt with that lunatic for so long before we asked him. Unexpectedly, it was still too late." Yu Hang has also been in the police station for many years and has always been vigorous and resolute. , handled the case calmly, this time it was so sad and emotional, which is rare.
Xing Zhao didn't dare to say that he was used to life and death, but this time he lost to that crazy man, and he felt regret and guilt. After all, they are all young girls. They still have a bright future, but now they are ruthlessly taken away by death. Yu Hang patted his shoulder and sighed: "We have tried our best, so we can only comfort ourselves. Fortunately, there are still survivors."
Xing Zhao pursed his lips and nodded heavily.
Yu Hang couldn't bear the frustration of his favored subordinate, so he smiled and said, "Do you still remember the girl you rescued? Don't you want to visit?"
Xing Zhao thought of that startling glance and the pale face leaning weakly in his arms, and his heart softened: "That's fine, I'll go to the hospital in the afternoon. I hope she can contact her family and not think of these things again in the future." Yu Hang was pleased
. Smiling: "I hope so."
She thought that no one would forget such a painful experience easily.
Xing Zhao took fruits and flowers to the hospital. Originally, he only prepared fruits, but his colleague stopped him and said, "Brother Zhao, little girls like flowers and plants. You can buy some for her to see, maybe it will make her happy." Xing Zhao thought about the little girl's helplessness. I thought it made sense, so I went to the flower shop and bought a bouquet. The girl in the flower shop smiled and gossiped: "Brother Zhao is buying flowers to go on a date?"
Xing Zhao said solemnly: "I am going to visit a patient. "
The little girl looked at his sternness and stuck out her tongue, knowing that she had said the wrong thing.
Xing Zhao frowned as he looked at the flower basket arranged by the little girl. This was too...feminine...but there was nothing he could do. Xing Zhao paid the money and took the flower basket to the hospital.
After asking nurse Xing Zhao, I went to the ward. The doctor's name was Jiang Nan, and he was Yu Hang's boyfriend. It was obvious from their names that they were a perfect match.
When he saw him from a distance , he came up to greet him and said , "Xing Zhao, this way!" Inside, she is already awake. She has been out of the sun for a long time, coupled with malnutrition, and is very weak, but she will recover slowly. But this incident has a great impact on her. She refuses to see people and is afraid of strangers. Be careful when you go in. , don't scare her."
Hearing this, Xing Zhao touched his face that he had just shaved this morning and nodded: "I'll go in and put down my things and leave." After taking two steps, he remembered something and turned around and asked, "Her family Have you found it?"
"No, I haven't come here for so long, I'm afraid..."
Jiang Nan means that she is either dead or doesn't want this girl at all.
Xing Zhao also understood that this was not the first time he had seen this kind of thing, but he still felt a little bitter after hearing it.
Jiang Nan still wanted to check the ward, so he left after a few words of warning.
Xing Zhao opened the door carefully. The ward was surprisingly quiet. If he hadn't seen the small bulge on the bed, Xing Zhao would have thought he was in the wrong ward. But when he stepped in, the little dumpling trembled obviously. Xing Zhao saw that she was afraid and could neither advance nor retreat for a moment. After struggling for a while, he put his fist to his lips, coughed unnaturally, and said stiffly but deliberately trying to be as gentle as possible: "Well, I was the policeman that day... I... I came to see you..." He put down the things in his hands, and accidentally, the fruit basket tilted to the side, and a few fruits rolled to the ground. Xing Zhao was a little annoyed that he was in a hurry, and he bent down to pick up the fallen fruits on the ground. Unexpectedly, When he raised his head, he met a pair of watery eyes.
The little girl poked her head out from under the quilt at some point, and looked straight at herself, her watery eyes looking at each other with surprise, joy, and full dependence.
Xing Zhao thought he had scared her, so he quickly packed the fruit basket and said to her, "I'm sorry, I disturbed your rest. I'll leave right away." Turning around, unexpectedly, a small white hand grabbed Xing Zhao's Hem.
"Is something wrong?" Xing Zhao looked at her doubtfully. Don't you mean you're afraid of strangers? How come you are not afraid when you see yourself?
The little girl opened her mouth and called him excitedly: "I...I..." However, after saying "I" several times, she could not say anything else. She was a little annoyed and wanted to continue. But the result was still the same. In the end, she had no choice but to hang her head in frustration, letting her long black hair cover her face.
Seeing her like this, Xing Zhao tentatively asked, "Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere and want to call the doctor?" She shook her head, raised her eyes, and still looked at him with such attachment. Xing Zhao felt uncomfortable when she looked at him, scratched his head and said hoarsely: "Then... what do you want me to do?"
The little girl tilted her head and stared at him quietly. Xing Zhao looked at the little hand that was tightly grasping the hem of his clothes and wanted to brush it away, but he couldn't bear to look at her big and pitiful eyes like glass. . Helpless, Xing Zhao rang the bell, and Jiang Nan and the nurse came in. He was a little stunned when he saw the little girl looking at Xing Zhao's lovely face: "What's wrong, is this?" The tone of the little nurse could be clearly heard. Someone is bullying the little girl.
Xing Zhao raised his hands high: "I didn't bully her."
When Jiang Nan came over and was about to extend his hand, the little girl shrank and hid behind Xing Zhao, her forehead pressed tightly against Xing Zhao's back. The little nurse wondered: "Hey, I usually don't have contact with the opposite sex, why today..."
Jiang Nan winked at her, and the little nurse stepped forward and said to the little girl behind Xing Zhao with a pleasant look: "Little girl, let's come Can you check it out? Later, sister will give you some candies, okay?"
The little nurses are very concerned about this poor little girl. They usually coax the shy little girl to give her a few toffee after checking her. , but today the little girl is still huddled behind Xing Zhao, and her usual "candy temptation" doesn't work today. The little nurse was dumbfounded and couldn't help but move her eyes upward to look at Xing Zhao: Hmm... It seems that male sex can sometimes be effective.
Jiang Nan said: "Xing Zhao, please tell her, lie down, we have to check her." "
Me?" Turning her head, the little girl saw Xing Zhao looking at her, and the corners of her lips immediately raised. Her smile was a little shy and timid, but very cute. "Go and lie down. The doctor is going to examine you." Xing Zhao said dryly.
Surprisingly, the little girl nodded obediently, and then said pitifully: "Then, you won't leave."
Jiang Nan said directly without waiting for Xing Zhao to speak: "He won't leave."
Xing Zhao wanted to kick him foot, but Jiang Nan touched him with his arm and gestured to him to "accept quickly". Xing Zhao hesitated for a while and nodded reluctantly.
Forget it, I will be a hospital escort today. Xing Zhao sighed helplessly.
(I like to develop it quite a lot.)

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