Chapter 5 ~ proof ~

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Phikhuam and Ian walked back to the cottage in silence, Ian was thinking about how much he had enjoyed seeing the guys all together and Phik' was thinking about Champ and the look he had given him from across the room.

As a rule, he tried not to make enemies, in his line of work it wasn't conducive to good publicity, he had to know what they had been discussing but now wasn't the time to bring it up. Phikhuam couldn't help but feel guilty, he had completely sabotaged Ian's holiday with his friends, he couldn't even take him sightseeing like normal people because they would be accosted by fans.

He felt a little selfish too considering he had asked Ian to help him under false pretenses. It had been his own stubbornness that had prevented him from bringing someone with him so he deserved to struggle but when he finally recognised Ian that first night and discovered that he was a nurse as well, he had the perfect excuse. 

He remembered when he had met Ian in London all those months ago, he had thought he was cute and even though very few words had been exchanged he had continued to think of him intermittently until seeing him again at Kiri and Kan's wedding, he hadn't had the time to interact with him then either but thought if it's meant to be, fate will throw us together again.

He couldn't believe the handsome sexy guy who had shouted at him for almost drinking wine was the same shy, cute little kid he'd met in London, that boy had made it obvious that he liked him, this 'new' Ian acted cold and indifferent.

Arriving back at the cottage both men walked inside for Ian to ask Phikhuam if he needed anything? 

"no, thank you I'm good" he replied.

"then call me if I can do anything for you" Ian said.

"you could sit and talk to me" Phik' added.

"sure, what do you want to talk about?"

Phikhuam couldn't hold his water anymore, the damn bursting as a torrent of words spilled from his lips,

"let's talk about your friend Champ and why he glared at me earlier"

"Champ? he glared at you, when?" Ian asked.

"just before we left, you guys were all talking and he turned and gave me a glare?" Phikhuam said.

"ah ... it must be when I told him I wouldn't be flying back home with him, he asked me why so I told him I was staying on to help you, trust me if I had told him the truth he would have done more than glare" Ian said.

"the truth being?" Phik' asked.

"some jackass cancelled my flight without even consulting me, I mean did you even consider the knock on effects of your actions?" Ian said.

"at the time I thought I was helping you, I thought I was doing the right thing, it was spur of the moment, in hindsight yes you are correct, I screwed up but still, why the hell should that guy Champ be so pissed that you're not flying back with him unless of course he really does like you" Phikhuam said.

"I don't know about that but I don't think he does, not in that way, he's always flirting with girls, he's dated nearly all the girls in the village and then some" Ian added.

"do you like him?" Phik' asked.

"what are we, in pre-school? the answer is no, he's not my type but this conversation is supposed to be about him glaring at you not who I'm attracted to" Ian added.

"what is your type?" Phik' couldn't help asking and Ian went bright red.

"I don't really have a type to be honest, as I said before if I like being with someone it doesn't matter" Ian replied.

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