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"Bonditaa..! Batukk..!" Aniruddh called out as he strived into the haveli.

He looked around, trying to find bondita but she wasn't to be seen anywhere.

There also wasn't the usual Jingling sound of her payal.

Just then bihari came to his view, hurrying towards him.

"Ji chhote malik?" Bihari asked.

"Where is everyone? And neither bondita is to be seen nor batuk. Where are they?" Aniruddh asked, looking around.

"Wo malik, bade malik has gone to some puja with badi malkin, your father has gone for a business trip." Bihari told him.

He nodded in response but further asked,

"What about bondita and batuk?"

"Both are in their respective rooms." Bihari told him, to which he again nodded.

Bihari asked him if he wanted anything.

Aniruddh wanted coffee—made by bondita, but ofcourse didn't ask for it and refused Bihari.

Bihari then left from there.

Aniruddh went towards the study to keep all his important files and other things and then went to his room to get fresh.

When he came back into the study, he was a bit disappointed.

Somehow, he was expecting a coffee on his table just like the previous day. But there wasn't any.

It's okay. Maybe she doesn't know you're here. The small voice in his head said, trying to lift up his mood.

Yeah. That must be the case. Otherwise she surely would've made the coffee.

He consoled himself and thought to visit her himself.

He went to her room and knocked on the door.

No response.

He again knocked but still there was no response. He frowned thinking why there was no response.

"Bondita?" He gently called out but still there was no response.

He got a bit worried, getting no response.

He didn't want to invade her privacy but he was getting worried. So he hesitantly opened the door.

He peeked in, trying to see where she is. He stepped into the room, but sighed in relief seeing her on the bed, wrapped completely in the duvet like a cocoon.

Her hair was sprawled out on the pillow, while her back was towards him.

He slowly moved to the bed, peeking over to see her eyes closed and breathing normal.

Oh..so she's asleep.

Aniruddh had gotten worried when there was no response. Bondita didn't used to take so much time to open the door and also gave a response if it was to take some time.

But when he heard no response today, there was some uncomfortable feeling in his chest.

Fear maybe.

Yes, aniruddh didn't really accept bondita as his wife except when he had to take decisions for her—all for her well-being—and hence everybody around thought that he didn't really care for her, specially after the Manorama incident.

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