Goode Beginning

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First draft, be gentle :)


“-I don’t understand it.

Why her?

She doesn’t really like him.

She uses people.

She uses men.

Men who are preoccupied by her appearance,

By her apparent interest.

She’s incapable of being interested in them.

To be interested requires her to not focus on herself,

                                        She’s too self-centred for that.”


“Good morning” he slurs while placing the Styrofoam coffee cup to his awaiting lips, “What you got there?”

I regarded the man, who had just thrown a heap of paper work onto my desk, his potbelly struggling to escape its creased blue shirted prison, what a wonderful sight for this time in the morning. “Just some-“ waving the journal in my hand I exhaled a shaky breath, “some shit.”

“Shit, huh?” He pauses, “Hate to be the guy who had to pass that through his anus.”


As always.

He shrugs off his leather jacket and places it on the back of his chair opposite my desk, “No seriously, what you got?”

It’s a Tuesday morning, in a sleepy town where the only cases we deal with at the police department are stolen items at the local fair and having to teach young Sammy a lesson or two about respecting noise levels in the community. So when a-

“Goode? What is it?” Frank pesters again, coffee now discarded and fingers drumming in anticipation.

“Evidence.” I reply matter of factly.

“No shit” He huffs sarcastically.

“You’re right.” I muse in a similar tone whilst simultaneously swivelling away from him in my chair, “No shit.”

I can feel his gaze on the back of my head, it hardens at a similar rate to his rising blood pressure, “You know, we are a team, right?”

“Right.” I answer, Where is he going with this?

“So we share the work, which means we-”

“It’s part of the case.”

He exhales and mutters under his breath something along the lines of “It’s easier trying to get a freebie from a hooker.”

“Something you’ve tried before?”

He seems unshaken, shame. “We get what we can get. So?”

I give in and turn towards him, I suppose eventually I will have to tell him, “It’s a diary.”

“Of the local girl?”

No, of some other girl from Texas that I just decided to read for giggles, “Yes”

“What’s it say?”

“Just started reading it.” I glance back at the book for emphasis, hoping he’d get the hint and let me carry on reading.

Instead he reclines in his chair, places his hands behind his balding head, “Some Anne Frank shit this is.”

What do you even say to that?

“Oh come on!” He defends once he sees my blank stare, “Look at the similarities, a girl whose hiding; keeping a secret and she-”


“What?” And this is what I was hoping to not have to deal with this morning when I was given the task of reading a hormonal girl’s diary.

“Don’t you have donuts to eat or something?” while my eyes take a detour down to his stomach.

“Shut the f**k up Goode! What’s up with you this morning ? On your freaking period?” He stomps towards the kitchenette and flicks at the coffee machine, hadn’t this guy just had one?

“Nope, you messed up my cycle last time, and before you say it,” I flap my hands around in a style reminiscent of someone justifying a Lady Gaga outfit. “No, I did not touch your tampons.”

He pauses.

His shoes shuffling as he turns to regard me.

“You’re a dick, do you know that? A sexist pig.”

I burst out laughing “Says the guy who has already made a hooker reference, asked me about my period and-”

“Okay, I get it,” He finishes stirring the coffee, six sugars, heart attack in a mug, “But we’re all guys here, talking of guys.” He takes a sip, blanches, and heaps a couple more spoonful’s in, “do you think he was shagging her?”

“How’s your bluntness working out as a mating call?”

“Oh come on,” he sits again opposite me, scrolling through his phone, “A young guy, a young girl, they’re only human.”

I spare a glance at the report on my desk and the scattered photographs of the scene, “Correction, it was one male teacher, and one female student.”

“Doesn’t mean he didn’t want to bang her?”

I place the book down, he had successfully distracted me.”Why?”

“What?” He stops scrolling and looks me in the eye as if the answer is so obvious my badge should disintegrate before me. “Detective my arse, It’s just because, isn’t it?” I was not satisfied with that answer but lucky for me he decided to elaborate, obviously he would; it was his kind of subject. “If you were a chick right now, I’d bang you.”

I stand corrected.

I try to get that image out of my mind and the bile out of my mouth.

“Oh come on, tell me you wouldn’t do the same,” He places his mug down and puffs out his chest like a peacock parading, “if I was female you’d do me.”

“I wouldn’t do you.” I reply void of expression. “Although I’m equally flattered and disgusted that you would even consider me to-”

“Save the rejection Bieber.”

“Didn’t realise you were a fan”

“A guy with that many females screaming his name? What’s not to love?”

I smile slightly at the image of Frank; a tubby fifty year old man, elbowing 10 year old girls out of the way to get to the front at a Justin Bieber concert. “Returning to the topic.”

Slapping the table he replies, “He’s single and young with a penis, and she’s available and impressionable.” He reaches for his coffee with a wistful smile on his face, “I remember this Latin girl, 20 something.” He laughs to himself, “I’m telling you man, less disappointment…for everyone involved.”

I quickly turn the conversation back, “But what you described is seeing a co-worker, that’s a little less illegal that seeing a student.”

“That’s maybe why he did it,” taking a red marker pen he circles a number on a print out, “Maybe he wanted the forbidden…fresh…fruit.”

A/N Thank you for reading, i wasn't too sure if i made it clear but I wanted there to be mystery in the first chapter, so i refrained from giving too much detail about the character and 'what went down.' please comment...I love you...and yes...that was an attempt at an emotional bribe

Still Hyding


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2013 ⏰

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