Chapter 1

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It's a warm summer morning when Hanna wakes up laughing as her very big chocolate brown Newfie dog who has just jumped on her bed, licks her face while wagging his tail happily.

Hanna "Morning, baby!" she says between laughs and starts to pet the dog's fur "Hi, Chocolate!"

When the dog calms down and finally lies down next to her, Hanna takes her phone from the bedside table and checks the time.

Hanna "Seriously, Chocolate? It's freaking 8 in the morning, you need to learn not to wake me up so early on weekends" she says to the dog, but with a smile on her face, because she just can't tell off that cute face of him.

Hanna "Seriously, Chocolate? It's freaking 8 in the morning, you need to learn not to wake me up so early on weekends" she says to the dog, but with a smile on her face, because she just can't tell off that cute face of him

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Caleb is really tired after a long night drive when he reaches the entrance to the town. A great smile appears on his face when he sees the "Welcome to Rosewood" sign at the side of the road.

Once in town, he drives his way right to his grandfather's house who he is visiting for a couple of weeks. He parks and walks to the front door.

After some minutes of ringing the doorbell and getting no answer, Caleb sits on a chair that is aside on the porch. He knows that his grandpa usually gets up very early in the morning, even on weekends, but he also could be still sleeping, so he decides to just wait there for a while.

Twenty minutes later, he tries ringing the doorbell again, but he doesn't get any answer this time either. He takes a look through one of the windows but doesn't get to see anything out of normal. He calls him on the house phone too, since his grandpa doesn't use cell phones, but the man doesn't pick up the phone either. Caleb thought it would be a good idea to show up by surprise when he planned the trip a few days ago, but he is not so sure about that now and he starts thinking that he might should have let his grandfather know that he would come to visit him.

Caleb decides to go for a coffee and try later, but when he is walking his way back to his car, he gets to see a couple coming out from the house next door. They are a blond guy and a brunette girl, and they seem to be the same age as him. The couple is carrying some suitcases and bags to their car, which makes him think they must be going on a trip. Caleb assumes that they could know something about his grandpa, maybe he went on a trip himself as well, maybe he is out of town, it's been weeks since the last time he talked to him on the phone after all, so it could be possible. He approaches their car and greets them.

Caleb "Hi! good morning, guys! Excuse me, I'm Caleb..."

And as soon as he says his name, the couple look at each other with a serious expression on their faces before turning back to look at Caleb.

Caleb "My grandfather lives in the house next door, and I was wondering if you might know something about him, since he is not answering the door... or the phone"

The blonde guy lays a bag on the sidewalk and stands before Caleb. He places a hand on his shoulder.

Toby "I'm sorry, man" he sighs and takes a moment, trying to find the right words, but there are no right words to say what he has to tell him "Your grandpa passed away three weeks ago"

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