Chapter 77

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A bit more than a week later.

Hanna "Ugh! I need Hallie to come out now, like this very moment. I can't take it anymore!" She complains while struggling to sit up in bed. "I can't even breathe properly..."

Spencer "Chill, Han... You're going to go into labor any minute." She reassures her, moving closer to help her up. "Your doctor said she's already in position and everything looks perfect. She'll be here before you know it."

Hanna "It's been three freaking days since my due date, Spencer... But it feels like an eternity. I can't take another day." She grumbles as she finally stands. "Maybe they gave me too much medication to keep her in when I almost delivered early, and now she's never coming out."

Spencer chuckles. "I'm pretty sure that's not how it works, Han."

Hanna "Stop laughing, you're just as annoying as Caleb!"

Spencer "We're not trying to be annoying, we're trying to help. You're just a bit moody, and that's why I'm here, to give Caleb a break so he can have a beer in peace. But I get it. I was in your shoes just a month ago, and no matter how much of a pain in the ass you are right now, I'm here for you."

Hanna sighs and leans on Spencer for support. "I just want this to be over..."

Spencer "I know, Han. But maybe we can do something to help you feel a little better while you wait. How about a short walk around the block? Fresh air might do you some good. Or we could try some gentle stretches... nothing intense, just enough to relieve some of that discomfort."

Hanna "I don't know, Spence... I'm so tired..."

Spencer "I get that, but sometimes a little movement can make a big difference. Plus, it might help speed things along with Hallie..."

Hanna nods. "Alright... let's go for a walk. I could use some fresh air."


Spencer carefully helps Hanna as they start to descend the stairs, one step at a time.

Spencer "Easy does it, Han. We'll take it slow."

Hanna "Slow is the only speed I've got right now..."

As they reach the middle of the stairs, Caleb appears at the bottom, glancing up with concern. It's been a couple of days since last time Hanna was downstairs.

Caleb "You two okay? Need a hand?"

Spencer shakes her head, smiling. "We've got it, Caleb. Go back and enjoy your beer with Toby."

Caleb stays at the bottom of the stairs, watching them descend. "I just want to make sure you're okay, Han. Maybe you should sit down for a bit when you reach the couch? I can bring you some water or-"

Hanna snaps, interrupting him. "Caleb, I don't need to be babied! I'm not helpless, I'm just pregnant!"

Spencer shoots Caleb a look, half-apologetic, half-warning. "She's fine, Caleb. We're just going for a little walk to get her mind off things."

Caleb backs away slightly. "Okay, okay, I just want to help..."

Hanna "Then help by giving me some space!" She says, clearly frustrated.

Spencer "Come on, Han, let's get outside. Fresh air will do you good."

Caleb sighs and heads back to the living room where Toby is sitting on the couch, holding Liam with one arm and a beer in the other hand. The TV is on, showing a football game. Finn is playing with a couple of dinosaurs and a toy plane, despite Spencer's earlier attempt to explain that planes didn't exist when dinosaurs were around. This, of course, led Finn to ask why there aren't dinosaurs anymore, which led to questions about death, prompting Spencer to find an excuse to abandon the conversation and just let the kid play with his toys.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22 ⏰

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