Chapter 31

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Evening. Hanna gets back home with Mona after spending the day at the mall.

As soon as they get into the house, Hanna hears the home phone ringing.

Hanna "Make yourself at home" she tells Mona and rushes toward the phone as her friend goes upstairs carrying a bag.

Hanna "Hi?"

Caleb "Han, it's me"

Hanna "Oh! Hi, babe!"

Caleb "You didn't text me"

Hanna "Yeah, it's just that they ran out of the phone color that I wanted at the store in the mall and I wasn't just going to pick a different color. I have to go back tomorrow, they were going to get me one"

Caleb "I was worried, you could have just called or texted me from another phone. I was about to go straight to your place to check on you"

Hanna sighs. "Stop worrying so much about me. I'm okay"

She can't believe that she gave Caleb a day off of her, for him to care for himself, and he is still so attentive to her.

Caleb "Of course I worry about you. I haven't heard from you since this morning, and after all that happened-"

Hanna "Caleb, please. I'm all right"

Caleb "Okay... So... Are you coming over? We can get together with the guys and order some pizza"

Hanna "I already have plans with Mona, babe"

Caleb "Oh, okay... and later? What are you doing? Do you want me to come over for the night? Or do you want to come here?"

Hanna "Actually, Mona is staying the night, so... I guess I'll see you tomorrow"

Hanna's day with Mona was okay, and so she invited her to stay for dinner and then also convinced her to spend the night at her place too. And to her surprise, Mona agreed immediately although she has to go to work the following day. She just got excited about sleeping over because it reminded her of the "old times" when they were in high school. Hanna is just thankful because she didn't even have to insist Mona to stay or give her any explanation. Of course it's not the same. She doesn't feel as safe with Mona as she feels with Caleb. Indeed, she found herself looking over her shoulder several times during the day while feeling a little paranoid at the mall, and she even kept an eye on some strangers who seemed a bit suspicious to her... but despite everything, she made it through the day without major inconveniences and she is happy for that.

Caleb "And Chocolate?"

Hanna "Keep him"

Caleb "You sure? I can drop him off at your place if you want"

Hanna "No, it's okay. Don't bother yourself. I'll be fine"

Caleb "Okay, let me know if you change your mind"

Hanna "Uh huh"

Caleb "How was your day? Did you have fun shopping?"

Hanna "Yeah, it was okay... Mona almost bought half of the mall" she chuckles.

Caleb "And you the other half"

Hanna laughs. "No... I only bought a really nice top and a lipstick... It took me a lot of self-control, but I only bought that... I need to start saving my money"

The doorbell rings at Caleb's.

Caleb "Give me a sec, babe... there's someone at the door"

Hanna "Okay"

Caleb opens the door and finds Toby standing there. "Hey! Come in... I'm on the phone with Hanna" he tells him and takes the phone back to his ear while walking back to the living room of his house. "It's Toby"

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