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THE NEXT DAY, SCHOOL had ended and it was time for club activities to start. Shoko pranced into the gym, a smile on her face, excited to see her favorite senior. "Good morning, senpai!" Shoko grinned, kneeling on the floor next to you. You were standing, arms crossed as you watched the team members.

Her knees were tucked to her chest as she hugged them. "Morning, Shoko. Here." You absentmindedly handed over a KitKat you had, placing it on the top of her head. She hummed happily as it slipped off her hair and landed in her hands that were cupped in front of her.

You were still stressing about the permission slips. You searched all over the school first thing during morning practice, but couldn't find it anywhere. "Good morning." You and Shoko both turned your heads when you heard the familiar soft voice, greeting one of the team members before lightly skipping over to the two of you.

Shoko let out a gag as she saw Airi, not afraid to show you dislike. "Hello!" She chirped, as if there weren't a worry in the world. "What are you so giggly about?" Shoko asked, her eyes dull and her face displaying her obvious dislike.

"Oh, about that. I found the permission slips. Turns out one of my classmates saw that I forgot it so he took it home to keep it safe!" She laughed. You stared at her, eyebrows raised and mouth parted open. Normally, one would apologize instead of laugh it off.

Shoko glanced between you and Airi. Drama! She thought.

"And, you submitted them to the coach already?" You slowly asked. If this were the facts, that would make it seem that you lost the file and she found it. And you still hadn't heard an apology nor words of gratitude.

"Yup! I told the coach I found them in the storage room." She winked. An irk mark appeared on your forehead. How selfish and careless could one be? Before you could even begin a lecture, somebody interrupted you.

"Liar." The three of you turned your heads when hearing the voice of Gojo, who was looking down at Airi with judging eyes. At this point, Airi was beginning to panic.

Liar? What did he mean liar? Did he know? How did he know? Ugh, of course you told him. Gojo's scowl quickly got replaced with a bright smile when he saw you, walking past Airi, his shoulder brushing past hers as he walked to you. "Hi!" He chirped.

The annoyed feeling you had bubbling inside you cleared away as you saw him. Strange, how he suddenly had this affect on you. It's as if all the attention that was on Airi suddenly disappeared and evaporated into thin air.

"Hi, Satoru. Here." You said, handing him a KitKat as well. You had a whole bag full of KitKats. You had brought some snacks for your cousin earlier that day, but became hungry and opened the KitKats, so you had been handing them out to everybody all day.

Well, except Airi.

"The cookies you gave me yesterday were good, too." He complimented, already gulping down the KitKats. You let out a small laugh. "You ate them all already?" He shamelessly nodded, stuffing the wrapper into his jacket pocket.

"Oh, I almost forgot." You said, turning around and grabbing a piece of paper from the desk behind you and handing it to him. "What's this?" He scrunched his nose. You pointed to the paper. "The sports festival practice starts next week, and this paper has information basically saying how we don't have basketball practice next week because of it." You explained briefly.

Gojo let out a dramatic groan, leaning against you and forcing a lot of his body weight on you as if gravity was pulling down on him. You grunted as you pushed him off you, straightening your clothes out. "What are you whining for? What're you doing for the sports festival?" Shoko asked, crossing her arms and tilting her head.

The white haired male smirked and placed a hand on his bicep. "Basketball."

"What? Then you're lucky! I have to do soccer." Shoko groaned, slumping her shoulders. Shoko was bad at sports. She was good at using her head and quick with math. She wanted to be a doctor when she grew up, and well had the brains for it. Sports? She was hopeless.

"I'm doing volleyball." You added. Airi rose her eyebrows in surprise as she let out a soft gasp, drawing attention to herself, once again. She pointed to herself as she smiled. "Oh? Me too! Maybe we'll go against each other." She smiled. You let out a fake laugh, nodding.

"Do you have experience with volleyball?" Gojo asked, leaning his head on your shoulder. "Not really. I played it a bit during gym class, but that's really it." You sheepishly answered. You glanced at the clock, and clapped your hands.

"Alright, Satoru. You better start warming up." You told him, pointing towards the court. "Yes, ma'am." He teased, jogging towards Geto, who was dribbling a ball.

"What a damn simp." Shoko dissed, scoffing as she crossed her arms. You laughed at the comment, while Airi scowled. Yes, a simp he was. But not for her, but for you.

At this point, forget Gojo. Your whole presence was starting to piss her off. She felt like you had something that she didn't, which was impossible because she had everything that every girl could ever want. Looks, personality (even if it was fabricated), her height, and her whole life.

Yet, something had Gojo looking in your direction. She just couldn't put a pin on it. She couldn't understand what was so different about you, and why you were loved by so many people.

Shoko, Gojo, your friends, and even the team. They often talked about how kind you were and how they could rely on you. They never talked about her.

Airi shrugged it off. There was no point mulling over it. She had the whole week of the sports festival practice to think about it—about how to beat you.

A/N GODDDD the new jjk episode and Mitski album killed me

qotd: What's you're favorite song?

a: PRIDE by Kendrick Lamar is just so different

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