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YOU WOKE UP earlier than your alarm went off, heart already beating of excitement. It was the day for the basketball club to go to Kyoto.

You had convinced yourself that you weren't excited, but now that you officially had a boyfriend, the idea of going on a "vacation" with him made your stomach churn. Sure, Airi would be there, and so would the rest of the team, but Gojo would be there, too.

It was early in the morning, the sun just rising, and you quickly got yourself ready. You had to be at the school by 6:30 to get on the bus bound for the bullet-train station.

When you finished getting ready, a notification appeared on your phone. Just in time, you smiled, seeing Gojo's text that he was outside. He was adamant that you go to school together. He was probably as excited as you were, because when you looked outside of your window, you saw him smiling up at your window already.

He jumped excitedly and waved his arm. You let out a small laugh, trying to be quiet to not wake your parents. You grabbed your suitcase and backpack, rushing down the stairs and opening the door.

You let out a squeak of surprise when you were immediately engulfed in a hug. "Satoru! You scared me!" You whisper yelled, nonetheless hugging him back. He only hugged you tighter. "Good morning." He ignored, pressing a kiss to your cheek before backing up.

"Good morning." You hummed. He looked at your suitcase and bag, raising an eyebrow. "Do you want me to hold anything?"

Your heart warmed. He was such a gentleman, and you loved it. "You have your own bags to carry, but thanks." You rejected, instead, taking his hand in yours and pulling him away from your doorstep. He nodded.

"Do you want to stop at the convenience store or something? Grab some breakfast?" You literally wanted to throw yourself onto oncoming traffic because of how much he cared about you—you were obsessed with it.

You shook your head. You wanted to get food at the train station—they sold good bentos there. He swung your arms as you walked, and at that moment, you felt a moment of bliss. The sky a thin blue color, the streets dead quiet, and it felt like it was just you and him, and nothing else mattered.

"Hey, I've been wondering," You spoke up, catching his attention, "Is there anybody you told about our relationship?" It wasn't like you were necessarily hiding your relationship, but you were wondering if there was anybody he told specifically. "I told Suguru, obviously."

If there was another thing you loved about Gojo, it was his friendship with Geto. It was wholesome, and behind all the horseplay and name-calling, you knew how much Gojo cared about him and vice versa. You admired it.

"Did you tell your parents?" You asked, a teasing smile on your face. You were expecting an embarrassed blush or something of the sort, but instead, saw his face twitch in discomfort. "My parents aren't really home a lot, so..." He trailed off.

Shit, you thought. You knew you had stepped on a landmine. The two of you never talked about your families, so you didn't know anything about his family, other than the fact that they were on the wealthier side. You examined his face, seeing his eyes wander away from yours, lips caught between his teeth.

Quickly, you changed the subject. If he didn't want to talk about his family, you weren't going to dig deeper. "How long have you known Geto, by the way?" You asked, subconsciously tightening the grip on his hand. The light flickered back into his eyes, showing you his pearly whites.

"Only since middle school, but he's like my brother. He makes sure I don't get into too much trouble." He continued happily blabbering on about his best friend, while you smiled and nodded. Honestly, your mind was still on the topic of his family.

What were they like? He seemed like he disliked them. Do they mistreat him? Are they strict? Do they even care about Satoru?

Your heart hurt for him. Anyone who loved their family wouldn't react the way he did. "Oh, we're here." His words snapped you out of your thoughts, seeing that you already arrived at the school.

You saw the team crowding around a shuttle bus, the coach standing there with his clipboard. "Manager!" Shoko exclaimed, jogging towards you. "Good morning." You greeted with a smile. You looked past her shoulder and saw Airi, making eye contact with her.

She only huffed and turned her head the other way. Bitch.

"Alright! Now that everyone's here, I'm going to pass out the assigned bus seatings. Third years in the front, then second years, first years, and managers in the back." The coach explained, passing out pieces of paper to everyone.

"I hope I'm next to you. Or Suguru." Gojo hummed, getting the paper. You let out a small laugh, grabbing a paper and scanning the contents, looking for your name. You nodded in understanding when you saw your name next to Shoko's.

You then looked for Gojo's next, and your eyebrows furrowed. "You've got to be kidding me." You heard his groan. He took the words right out of your mouth as you read the name next to his.

"Fukuji Airi."


QOTD: An embarrassing secret of yourself?

A: I'm used to write on tumblr and was a pretty big writer too.... Anybody who's read a Neteyam fanfic on tumblr has definitely read mine.

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