Where Is She

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It was a phone call that Sukuna never thought he'd receive. You'd think that after getting a call like that he'd drive safely, cautious, but he had never gone faster.

He had hoped the reason you were taking so long was that you wouldn't stop talking to Yuji or Uraume. The fear in his body raked over him in horrible ways. The drive felt like a blur. He thought for sure he'd be pulled over but it was so late there were barely any police on the road.

By the time he reached the hospital, it was nearly one in the morning. His parking job was less than good but he couldn't give two shits.

He burst through the doors and ran straight to the front desk.

The receptionist was alarmed at how fast he entered, at first she assumed there was an emergency but he spoke before she could ask any questions.

"Where the hell is my wife?"


Sukuna shouted your name desperately, "Where is she?!"

"Please sir lower your voice," The woman was scared at his demeanor. She thought about calling security but she knew who he was talking about. The woman had been tied down to a stretcher and had been rushed into trauma care.

You had been in bad shape.

Sukuna ran his hand through his hair and clutched the counter, lowering his voice to a harsh whisper, "Just tell me where my wife is for fucks sake!"

The receptionist hastily typed at her computer, "Give me one second sir, I'll find her room number."

Sukuna had so many emotions running through his body. Fear, anger, sadness, guilt. Most of all he was pissed he wasn't at your side right now. He needed to be there. He needed to see you. The only thing he had gotten from the call was that you had been rushed to this hospital because of a bad car wreck.

He didn't even know if you were alive, and that scared him most of all.

The receptionist looked up and spoke in a calm voice, "I'm afraid you have to wait just a little longer sir. Your wife is still in intensive surgery in the trauma center. She'll most likely be transferred to the ICU after her surgery."

"What the hell happened? Can you at least tell me that?" Sukuna's eyes reflected so much pain and fear. He had never felt this way in his life. He felt so helpless.

The receptionist sighed, "All we know is that she got into a car accident. The other driver was dead on the scene."

Sukuna turned away and pulled at his hair, "Fuck!" He shouted. He hastily turned back around before the woman could scold him, "How long? How long until I can see her?"

"I'm not sure sir," The woman fidgeted with her fingers. "You just have to wait."

So he waited and waited, and waited. He knew everyone would be asleep but he needed to talk to someone. He needed something to take his mind off of you. He texted everyone, from Toji and Uraume to Yuji and Utahime.

None of them responded.

Sukuna would pace around the waiting room, then go back to sitting. He'd bounce his leg but he couldn't sit still. He continuously got up and moved around only to sit down again.

At last, finally, a nurse in scrubs came out and called his name.

He shot up so fast his head got dizzy. He wasn't even tired, considering it was almost 5 am.

"Where is she? Is she ok?" Sukuna asked the questions so fast the nurse could barely comprehend them.

She held her hands up as a sign that he needs to calm down, "Your wife is alive."

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