Beach Day

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It had now been four months since you woke up and the two of you had fallen into a stalemate. You still didn't kiss him on the lips, something about it seemed like a big step you weren't ready for, but Sukuna was growing impatient.

You still let him kiss you everywhere else, so he did. Every chance he got he was smothering you, trying to touch you and nip at your skin. You let him for the most part because you liked touching him too. You liked running your hands over his back and his chest, feeling his strong physique beneath your fingertips.

It almost felt like normal, except for the fact that Sukuna was losing his mind. This is the longest the two of you have ever gone without having sex and he hated it.

He knew he just had to wait but holy shit were you making this hard for him.

"Thank you for making dinner," You hummed as Sukuna handed you a bowl. You were curled up on the couch, and Sukuna sat beside you. There was a little gap but you quickly closed it by shuffling closer to him, your legs slightly overlapped his while your head rested against his shoulder.

Sukuna felt giddy at the action, fidgeting with his chopsticks as you shifted around to get comfortable. You picked a movie and tossed the remote aside before digging into your meal.

Though it felt like every day you were still reminded about your lack of memories. You've tried to practice cooking, desperate to be better at it, but it felt so hopeless. Everything kept coming out wrong.

Sukuna ate it no matter what, though he never really commented on it. He cooks more meals to avoid having a burnt or underdone dinner. Though when he cooks with you, it's not a problem.

You like cooking with Sukuna, and he does enjoy it too. Though you usually get distracted in whatever conversation you're having, and he ends up doing most of the work.

It's so close to being normal again. It's right on the edge, but the daily reminders that it's not is really what keeps it from being what it needs to be.

The only source of light came from the sitcom playing on the TV. The empty dinner bowls sat on the coffee table Your head rested on Sukuna's lap, and his fingers idly stroked your hair. The feeling of his nails gingerly running over your head was heavenly. You watched the show with half-lidded eyes, tired and ready for bed.

You briskly giggled at a joke, the laugh track droning on in the background. Sukuna's eyes fell on you. Every time he sees your smile, all he can think about is how beautiful you are, even doing nothing. He moved his other hand to rest on your waist, cherishing the way your steady breaths shifted your body.

The credits rolled onto the screen, and Sukuna decided it was time for bed.

"We should get some sleep," His voice was soft, just above a whisper.

You rubbed your eyes, "Just one more episode."

"You said that two episodes ago," Sukuna chuckled lightly. You yawned and curled up under your blanket. He tried to usher you up but you refused.

He stood, causing your head to fall onto the warm couch cushions. He slipped his arms around you, one under the bend of your knees and the other supporting your back.

You murmured incoherently about not being tired, yet your eyes slowly closed and your head lolled to the side, resting on his chest.

This was the moment when it felt like nothing changed. Little actions like this, carrying you to bed after you've stayed up too late. It made his heart flutter, his chest tighten, and his eyes soften. You were his perfect little wife again.

He laid you down and pulled the blankets over you. Sukuna turned and left to turn the TV off, Mitts was now laying where you had been, enjoying the faint remnants of your warmth. Sukuna scoffed seeing some of the cat's fur already stuck to the cushions. He hates that cat.

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