Chapter Seven(Well, Now You Know)

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Okay, so this is pretty short. Sorry, sort of got into a funk:/ Hate when that happens. Please vote, message me, or comment. I'd love to know what you think!:)

(Well, Now you Know)

I was sitting in the corner, watching him and Devin replace the blood stained cardboard.

"Why wouldn't you put down something softer?" I asked.

They both laughed and shook their heads. Was that a stupid question?

"Murey, come here." Andy commanded.

I slowly brushed off my white shorts, fixing my baggie Obey hoodie. I think Obey was a skating company? Who knows I thought it was cute.

"Stand in front of me." Andy continued, his voice firm and direct.

I stepped in front of him, my neck craned to meet his darkening gaze. In one quick motion he pinned me onto the ground, my legs straddling him between them, while he held himself barely off of me.

I was literally about to cry. I don't think I had ever felt this fragile and ready to break. He looked down at me with his cold eyes, his expression intimidating.

"Tell me. If you were a man in this position would you want the floor you were laying on, to be soft?"

I managed to shake my head. My heart was ready to pop. I needed to stand. I needed him not ontop of me and making me feel like my life was being threatened.

"Andy...she looks petrified." Devin eased.

"That's because she is, Devin." Andy smirked.

"Please can I-"

"What? You don't like me ontop of you?"

"Andy...dude she's going to break a blood vessel. Get off of her."

He slowly slid off of me, his breath tricking my emotions from fear to lust. I quickly made it back onto my feet and returned to the wooden fruit cart I'd been sitting on.

They finished laying down the cardboard, cracking their joints and readying for the thing I absolutely dreaded.

"Wait. No." Andy interrupted.

Devin's shoulders fell with a loud sigh.


"I need to take Murey home, ass."

"I can just call my-"

"I'm taking you home, Murey."

I nodded and followed him, while Devin shook his head at the two of us. I stuck my hands into the pocket of my hoodie, twiddling my thumbs in secret.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He stated.

I gulped. I knew what was happening. I knew he was fighting, once again puting his life in danger.

"Stop worrying about it."

I sat in the passenger seat and watched him start the car, his wrists showing dull scars from the past. My eyes shook at their presence, the horrific clarity that their placement showed. Andy had cut. Andy had actually tried to kill himself. Was he trying to now?

"Andy, you're okay right?" I swallowed.

Asking him that question seemed like the hardest thing in the world. I didn't know what to say. I never knew anyone who self harmed.

"Yeah, why?" He laughed.

"Your...your ah, you have scars. And, uh. I-your wrists. I just want to make sure, um. I.."

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