Chapter Two(Just a Date)

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Chapter Two          

I pretty much love this chapter, but heads up...gets a bit graphic.  

(Just a Date)

I sat on my bed, biting my nails and twisting the spiraled curls of my vibrant hair. Lilly hadn't shut up on what to wear. There was a pile of clothes in front of the window facing me directly from the base of my bed.

My stomach was a mess, I was a mess. I don't think I could trust him alone. I realize we were yesterday, but what were his standards on a date?

"This!" Lilly shouted.

I looked up to see the skin tight lace champagne dress she held in her hands. I shook my head, knowing the length went to my mid thigh and there was already going to be plenty of skin showing from my forearms if I wore that dress.

"He's not going to rape you, Murey."

"I know that." I lied.

She slumped onto the bed and draped my dress over my lap. I sighed and picked it up, knowing it'd be perfect for a first date, just maybe one not with Andy.

"Put it on, or I'm telling your mother you did the nasty with Blake." Lilly stated.

"You know I never did! I just kissed him!" I freaked.

"It is so much fun messing with you." She laughed.

I rolled my eyes, my lips falling to a frustrated line. I slipped off my clothes in the bathroom, sinking tightly into my dress. Lilly was seated on my bed and did a victory dance with her hands when I made my way back into the room.

"I hate this." I admitted, feeling like all of my curves had a microscope held up to them.

"You're freaking tiny. You have nothing to worry about. Twig." Lilly puffed, crossing her arms jokingly angry.

"I know it's just...Lilly you don't know him." I sighed.

She gave me a concerned look, her long brown hair swaying with the turning of her head.

"Is he bad or something?"

"I did say he loves fighting didn't I?"

"Yeah, but I thought you meant cage fighting or boxing."

I sat down at my desk facing the window into the neighborhood. I began applying some light makeup, wanting to explain other things...but something just held me back.

"Murey, if you're scared you don't have to go." She gulped.

"I'm not.." I lied.

His shining black car pulled into our circled driveway. I watched him step out of its sports shape. He was dressed head to toe in a dark tailored suit, one that looked like my father had owned it.

"Is that..him?" Lilly eased, the spit catching in her throat.

I nodded, fighting back a strong whimper, as he ran his hand through his hair.


I nodded again, fear clogging my lungs and heart. Lilly walked me down the stairs, watching Andy and I from the cracked door. He drew from his cigarette and put it out with his shoe.

"You look good." He whispered in a half smile.

"Thank you. So do you." I managed.

He helped me into the car and then walked to his side, starting it up and then flooring away. I held my hands together in my lap, already feeling my legs become jittery.

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