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real life

lacy and emma were in their uber on the way to joe's birthday party.

"so... are you excited to meet olivia?" emma asks her, and lacy rolls her eyes.

"i've told you a million times, em, it's not like that. she's just being friendly. she would've asked me out if she was interested, not asked to be friends."

"maybe she's nervous! or maybe she doesn't know you're a lesbian. who knows!"

"i'm publicly out about that. if she wanted to know, she could figure it out."

"whatever," emma mutters as the car approaches the house. the two of them get out, walking to the door which was unlocked. "i'm just saying, tonight might be the night you kiss a famous pop star."

"shut up," lacy laughs as her and emma walk in the kitchen to get drinks. once they get their drinks, they make their way into the other room where most of the guests seemed to be, based on the large groups of people and loud music.

"i think i'm going to go find your brother," emma tells lacy, and she groans.

"ew. please tell me not for what i think it is."

"it's not like that!" emma exclaims. "we hooked up once and you make it a big thing."

"because the thought of my brother dating my best friend is nauseating," lacy mutters, taking a big swig of her drink. "go find him. i'll try and find olivia. just text me if you need me, yeah?"

"sounds good." lacy watches her friend disappear and she takes another sip of her drink, looking around the room full of people. she suddenly felt someone grab her arm, and she yelps. "joe!" she groans when she hears him laugh. "i thought you were trying to kidnap me."

"sorry!" he shouts. "you're just not drunk enough yet! do a shot with me!"

"fine," lacy giggles, following him back over to the drinks. after downing their shots, and one more after with joe's insisting, lacy finishes off her original drink and grabs a new one. she needed to get on his level if she had any chance of actually speaking to olivia tonight. once the two of them took a third shot, lacy was definitely starting to feel the effects as she grabbed the counter, nearly stumbling. "oh, shit," she says.

"how are you just as drunk as me and i've had double what you've had?" joe asks, and the girl shrugs.

"i don't know," lacy giggles. "i'll see you later!"

she made her way back into the living room, and found olivia talking to... her brother. lacy groaned, stumbling over to the two. "now why are you talking to my brother when there are a million more interesting people here?" she asks.

"oh my god, you're here!" olivia exclaims, wrapping her arms around the girl. "i mean, he was the closest thing to you, so—"

"that's fucking offensive," says kit.

"nobody cares, bitch," lacy slurs, throwing her arm around olivia. "now fuck off."

"you're not going to be saying that to me when i have to drag your ass home."

"go find fucking emma and get with her then," says lacy. "since you guys looooove each other."

"you're so full of shit. whatever," kit mutters, walking away.

"you guys are so mean to each other," olivia laughs, and lacy shrugs.

"i mean, and don't tell him this— but i do love him a lot," lacy admits, practically shouting in olivia's ear over the music. "he's helped me through a lot of shit, like— my parents don't know i'm a lesbian. if i ever came out to them, i think they'd never talk to me again."

"isn't he...?"

"yeah, but they're okay with him because he stills likes girls. if they knew about me and how i'm never going to marry a man, well... i don't know what they'd do."

"i'm sorry," olivia says, barely loud enough to make out over the music. "that's horrible. i can't imagine having parents who would feel that way because of who you liked."

"it's fine. i didn't mean to bring the mood down," lacy says, smiling. "let's dance or something. come on."

by the end of the party, olivia along with kit had to help her into the uber back home. her brother road with her back to her flat, and helped her up the stairs to her actual room.

"think i'm going to stay as the uber just took off and i'm too tired to go back to mine," he says, guiding her to her room. "mind if i take the guest room?"

"do whatever you want, i don't care about anyone or anything!" lacy exclaims, throwing her hand in the air and hitting kit's head.

"you're becoming violent," he murmurs. "can i trust you to be by yourself for the rest of the night?"


"and if you have to throw up, go to the bathroom, yeah?"

"do you think olivia is into girls?" she asks, ignoring his precious statement. "cause like, she seemed flirty as hell tonight. but maybe she's just like that! i don't know."

"not really my business. i guess she seemed flirty with you, i'm not sure. she was quite drunk so it's hard to tell."

"well i hope she is because she's so pretty, and gorgeous, and nice, and—"

"go to bed!" kit laughs, pushing lacy towards her bed. "stop talking about her like you're going to shag or something."

"fuck you."

"right. good night, lacy."

"night night, kit!"

lacy, olivia rodrigoWhere stories live. Discover now