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A beautiful, but deadly creature that befriends their saviors.

A few weeks has passed since the Lord Phantomhive has let you stay at his Manor. And let's just say the events that took place in the Manor were... eventful.

A Magenta haired maid, Mey-rin, she said her name was, was often very clumsy. So to help her with that problem, you often followed behind her to make sure she did drop anything.

You walked down the halls of the very big Manor, looking around. Maybe you would find Sebastian and ask if he could give you a task.

While walking going down the stairs, you hear Mey-rin behind you. You looked behind you as you made your way down the steps, standing as you see her appear from behind a corner with a tower of plates.

You carefully watched her carefully, she didn't seem to have noticed you yet. The moment she took a step down the stairs, everything happened so fast. Mey-rin had tripped on her own feet, letting go and dropping the plates in the process.

In the blink of an eye, you rushed forward and caught each individual plate. Mey-rin's eyes widened, "[N-Name], thank you! I'm very thankful, yes I am!" She thanked you.

You nodded and went on your merry way, probably to Sebastian to ask him for a task.

Another staff of the Phantomhive Manor, was Bard, a fairly tall dirt blonde male. He had a habit of cooking food with a flamethrower, which always resulted in him burning it.
⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰

You were in the kitchen with Sebastian who was preparing the Master's supper. Due to you being short, you had to tip toe to reach the counter.

Sebastian was cutting carrots, as you look at the counter filled with food of all kinds. Your eyes spotted a large slab of uncooked meat on the counter, you pointed at it. Sebastian looked at you.

"That is the meat that will be served to the young master." He stated, you nodded. Suddenly a bell on the wall rang, alerting you and Sebastian, "Excuse me for a moment." He sighed and exited the room.

You hummed and waited for him to come back. Bard then entered the room, "Hey there [Name]!" He greeted, you waved. You watched him get ready, making his way over to the uncooked meat on the counter.

You watched him bicker for a bit, that was until he pulled out a flamethrower. He put the goggles that were usually rested on his neck, on and aimed the flamethrower at the uncooked meat.

(Atleast season it first my guy- 😰)

You acted quickly, rushing over to Bard and quickly snatching the flamethrower from his grasp. Just at the right time, Sebastian came back to witness Bard helplessly struggle to pull the flamethrower from you.

"What is going on here?" Sebastian asked in a low tone. Bard's heart began racing as he felt a chill down his spine.

In the end he got scolded for trying to burn the meat, while you got head pats for preventing that.

Then there was Finnian, the Phantomhive gardener. You liked helping him with the flowers alot, so that meant you were mostly in the garden with him.

Finnian had a problem with using the wrong fertilizer on the flowers.
"Ah! [Name] are you ready?" Finnian asked, pulling his sun hat on, it was very hot outside. You nodded, pulling your identical hat on too.

𝐖𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐅𝐈𝐂→ Black Butler;; [Child Reader Insert]Where stories live. Discover now