How you met (preference)

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King Arthur- You were a river spirit, just enjoying your day, when an imposing man in chainmail approached you. He assumed that you were a messenger of Viviane, the lady of the lake and went off about how useful his sword was (which apparently was a gift from her). You tried to kindly tell him that you weren't affiliated with Viviane (and that she's omniscient so she doesn't need messengers) but he was insistent. He gave you a 30 minute lecture on how he was the chosen king of Britain and how it was your lady's goodness that made him realise his true destiny. To shut him up, you made up a mission for him to go to the furthest stream and collect five pebbles. Amazingly, the self-entitled idiot bought it and thanked you for his quest.

Sir Bedevere- You were the only child of a herbalist, which meant that you had an advanced knowledge in medicine. Unfortunately, this meant that you were often under scrutiny from your neighbours who accused you of practicing witchcraft. Your friend, Edyth Islington, had been executed recently and the entire village was in a witchy fever. When the sheriff, Bedevere, knocked upon your door, you assumed the worst. To your surprise, he wanted you to explain the technicalities of your craft as the last plague doctor had just died of dysentery. You explained how the miasma theory was inaccurate and that washing frequently helps keep plague away. When asked how you knew that, you just shrugged. It had worked for your dad. He promoted you to his second-in-command due to your interest in scientific progression.

Sir Robin- You were wiping the tables in your family's tavern when a strawberry blond knight stumbled in. His face bewildered, he staggered towards the bar, swiftly followed by a group of five sweaty musicians. As soon as his eyes met yours, you felt your cheeks flush bright red. You asked him if he'd like to retire to a room (his minstrels had already fallen asleep on the rush-covered floor). He nodded eagerly and began to tell you his tale as you fumbled round for his room key. It honestly didn't sound very believable. You, in all your years, had never seen a dragon, let alone one that breathed fire. Yet, he was describing the beast in great detail and how he, and he alone, slaughtered it. He accidentally let slip that it was actually asleep, but you were too polite to mention it. After an hour, he tired himself out again and went up to sleep. You spent the rest of the evening throwing thin blankets over his musicians.

Sir Galahad- You were one of the three gifted children of King Amfoce. There was Oswyn the Brave, Estrilda the Intelligent and you, the Kind. Lords and ladies flocked your castle everyday, just for the chance to win your hand. They were all too brash, you thought. Your siblings agreed. When you first saw Sir Galahad, your heart thumped with such joy, you thought it would explode. Ironically, the first visitor you fell for wasn't there to propose marriage. Instead, he was an ambassador for King Arthur, to invite your siblings and you to a feast. Your father begrudgingly agreed, providing that you didn't get married while you were there. When packing for the trip, you mention to Estrilda that you thought that Sir Galahad was awfully handsome. Your lovesick smile fades when she tells you that he has sworn himself to chastity. Slightly heartbroken, you pack the rest of your things.

Sir Lancelot- You were happily resting under a tree when a knight sprinted up to you, brandishing a sword. He explained (out of breath) that while you were sitting on your laurels, your lady's castle had been besieged and that he wanted to infiltrate it. You look up at him a bit clueless. He was either going to kill you or kick you back to the smoky, damp kitchens. He did neither. Slumping down next to you (coated in blood), he tried to get the lowdown on all the crooks and crannies of the fortress. Never liking your mistress much anyway, you told him everything. After he promised not to hurt anybody in the keep, he walked away to claim victory. You spent the rest of the afternoon asleep, until it clocked that you just let this stranger take over your workplace as easy as counting.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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