Chapter Fifteen Gang Gang Gang

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**Trent POV** 12/23/2001 (10:59 P.M, CTZ)

"Whoosh!" The cold wind from Rush University Medical Center automatic door palms our faces with a slapping sting. Even after we rush into the well-lit building for warmth, the gush of breezy air sneaking through my spine screams it's even more frigid inside than out. And with all the white doctors and nurses running around in white coats, the view of snow is still as prevalent. As we scamper across the white tiles, the lack of stares we receive entering as two teens makes the world of Chicago seem even colder.

This would result in questions being asked about five seconds after entering a Kansas hospital. However, at this moment, I find it eerie that the only looks we receive are because I have no idea where I'm going. It's not even me assuming. My nervousness quickly gets the attention of Melanie, who begins guiding me by placing her hand on my shoulder and turning me when needed. Without words being spoken, as soon as we got close to the hospital, we instinctually dropped each other's hands, knowing this union wouldn't be approved by my family.

"Where the fuck you been? You ain't ask permission to leave my house!" The deranged old woman I know as "grandma" scolds, sliding from around the corner before either of us notices. My eyes widen in surprise as my mind begins racing for an explanation as much as an excuse.

"I was-" I begin to lie, but her sudden appearance has me too rattled to speak. She jams a sharp fingernail into my chest, and as if I've eaten two-year-old decaying eggs, anger bubbles in my stomach so abruptly the wind is knocked out of me, and the room begins spinning. Anger flashes everywhere in my body as I can feel my bottled emotions starting to spin my top off. Russ senses it, too, because as quick as her finger was in my chest, it's gone with his first few words.

"I told him to get out the house 'cause he's been cooped up like a hen." Russ lies without thinking twice as he begins to walk back to the waiting room. "I think we all have forgotten; he's also just lost his parents. I think we can be a little nicer!" Russ adds, peeking back into the hallway to the surprise of me and the old bitch.

"Don't fall for it." Melanie cautiously warns, leaving me dumbfounded about her terse sentence.

"That wasn't real?" I beg after I've caught up to her and can match her stride.

"From Russ? Fuck no, genius." She states before nudging me away. "There she goes," Melanie acknowledges loudly, striding to Nae-Nae and taking her into her arms. My flicker of jealousy returns as I again wonder if I can trust Melanie's words and actions.

"Where the fuck did you go?" Nae-Nae hisses, looking between us with her nose straight in the air.

"You were asleep, I was bored, and I needed to see how easy of a lick this dude ass nigga really was." Melanie's devil shoulders lurch wickedly in indifference. A bubble of boulders bolts my throat from speaking as I look into Nae-Nae's cheerful face. A face that, if not for Russ, would be getting punched into the concrete beneath us. She's on the verge of finding out if her cousin is dying or not, and yet she's found joy in my despair. A true hateful bitch.

"Oh, my girl didn't disappoint! You're a savage!" Nae-Nae chirps happily before looking into my confused and moist eyes.

"Awwn, you thought that shit was real? Look at this sad-ass nigga! You thought you could get me? You really thought I'd want you?" Melanie questions in the voice a teacher talks to a kindergartener, turning her devil horns to face me. I lick my dried lips as we continue to have this stare-off. I look pitiful, Nae-Nae excited that I'm hurt and will never recover, and Melanie looks like someone you can never judge off looks.

A scoff escapes my lips in defeat as I get ready to run out of the hospital. Never has my pride been so shattered. Never has my spirit been so flattened. Never again will I believe a word comes from Melanie's or anyone else's lying mouth. From this moment forward, I only will ever trust Dalyla or Shae!

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