The End is NOW - A Lord of the Flies Spin-off

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*quick authors note! hey guys it's buttons! in my english class we're reading Lord of the Flies (great book btw u should totally read it) and we have to create a spin off for our assignment so i'm doing a apocalypse AU. jack, simon and roger will be included as well as two OCs, Julia and Asha. the waiting on this might be weird, but plz just go with it 🥲 ty and enjoy!*

BAM! Another mass gone. The ashes of bodies and buildings flutter away in the wind, and land gently on Julia's tasseled brown hair. She looks up at the fire, shielding her one brown eye from the falling ashes, and holding her breath from yet another burst of troublesome smoke. She sounded an alarm only a few would know, waiting for a response. She gasped and looked around, after hearing an eerie groan. She saw that it was a zombie. She brutally punched the undead creature in the side of his decaying skull. He hand reeks of rotten flesh and cold blood.

"No filthy creature dare try to infect me," she said harshly. It sounded like a growl. The fractured zombie groaned in pain as it started dying once more. Juilia gave it one last kick in the head for good measure before running over to her motorbike and taking off to the hideout. The smell of smoke suddenly became stronger.

"I hope they heard me. They shouldn't be far. If one more of them gets infected I might just end them all. We already lost Piggy, Ralph and Eve from being infected. We're not going to make it," Julia grumbled to herself and she took a sharp turn, leaving a dark skid mark on the cracked asphalt.

She saw a crowd of zombies over by the road she needed to take. She gave a worried and frustrated look. There was no other way to get around it. She sounded the alarm once more, trying to find a response. It blared, grabbing the zombies' attention.

"Crap-" She slid out of the way and started driving to the left as a zombie reached out for her arm with its rotten hand. The loud revving from her motorbike startled him, causing him to trip and knock some of the zombies over. She snickered.

"Idiots." She continued to dodge the zombies. She could smell their half-dead bodies as they tried to close in on her. Their boney hands trying to grab her, and their disgusting teeth trying to bite and infect her. A zombie jumped in front of her. She gasped, popping a wheeling and the quick wheel tearing away her flesh and destroying her bones. A horrible howl came from the zombie she ran over. As she recovered, she heard someone call
her name.

"JULIA! OVER HERE!" The voice yelled. Julia recognized the voice instantly. It was Jack. He must've been fighting the mass off. She looked over into the crowd to see a red haired and a short tan boy fighting off the zombies. It was Jack and Roger. Roger was aggressively bludgeoning zombies with his large bats. The screams of agony got louder with each hit. The sound of gushing blood, grumbles, tearing flesh and bones breaking hit her ears like a bus. Jack was punching and stabbing oncoming zombies.

"JACK! ROGER! I'M ON MY WAY!" Julia replied. She revved up the engine to the max as she sped down to the middle. She took the ax she kept on her bike with her and reached out with it, mutilating zombies as she passed them. She was taking out practically all the zombies surrounding the boys. The boys continued to fight, getting closer to Julia. As they started to reach each other, a busted up brown car plowed through the side. Zombies tumbled and flew as the car bashed into them. Julia recognized who it was instantly; it was Asha and Simon.

"GET IN! QUICK!" Simon yelled to the others.

"Asha! Simon! Thank God you're here!" Jack said, before promptly punching another groaning zombie in the jaw. Jack and Roger piled into the car. Julia stayed on her motorbike. The two slammed the door, and Asha sped up the car instantly. Julia zipped away on her motorbike, following the beat up car back to their hideout. She looked up to the blurry sky. It was dark and dystopian. Smoke and ash filled the air. It stung her eyes. Jack and Roger stook their heads out the windows, watching the zombies, ready to fight them. Simon made sure they didn't lose Julia, who was trying to keep up.

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