Chapter 14

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"First mission"

I go downstairs cause I'm already done, my brothers saw me and left silence...

Jin: wow I never see u wear something dark

J-Hope: your right hyung

suga: u look gorgeous

jimin, jk, tae: hot and sexy

I smiled at them melting their cold heart..

rm: by the way where did you get that outfit, I never saw u have that

crystal: well I actually bought it online

rm: really

crystal: yep, to my surprise it actually fit me very well


crystal: yeahh little bunny lower ur voice

jimin: ahahaha a mafia king liked you got scolded by a little girl(he said while laughing on his ass up)

jk: u shut up shortie

jimin: who you call shortie

while the other two keep fighting about their height crystal is just silently laughing at the corner until Jin spoke

Jin: u too shut up

after that jk and jimin shut their mouth cause they dont want to get scolded by a mama angry Jin holding his pink slippers (hahah this is very funny lol- author)


they arrived at the place where they have a mission crystal will be the main subject in this one...

as rm already tells crystal what is the plan , crystal goes and does her work...

J-Hope:are u sure this is safe hyung?

suga: she will be it's her first mission anyways

on the other hand

crystal POV

I came to the warehouse now as what joonie oppa told me..
I saw the guy already the guy who they told me fool, I go in front if him then started my act.....

end of crystal POV

crystal slowly came to the guy who is selling drugs...

crystal: ahhhhhhh help me!! (she said running towards the man)

guy: huh who are u

crystal: sir pls help me someone wants to kill me pls help me sir pls...

guy: ok , ok calm down tell me first who is going to kill you

bts: us

bts came out of nowhere making the guy shocked and nervous as hell..

guy: b-b-bts

jimin: bingo(he said while playing with his dagger)

guy: u said these men wanted to kill u then it means both of us will suffer in hell

crystal laughed at him sarcastically then spoke

crystal: who told u that hmm (while raising one eyebrow)

guy: huh what do u mean

right now the guy is already confused of what is happening..

crystal: get ready for hell mister

the guy tried to run but crystal threw a piece of dart and landed at the guy's leg making him fall on his knees...

bts was shocked as they didn't thought that u will do things like that ....

jimin: where did she get that (he said while his mouth was wide open)

suga closed jimin's mouth as he said..

suga: closed it might a fly go inside

the others are just laughing silently...

crystal: u bitch (she said to the guy)

bts also came to her and examined the guy they looked at him with dark eyes as the man was very scared he started begging them..

guy: pls let me go , I didn't even do anything pls (the man said while crying)

crystal: why would we (she said while raising one eyebrow)

guy: cause I'm innocent Ms pls let me just go (the guy said still pleading)

Jin: just tell us who told u to that this

guy: no one

when suga heard his reply he quickly punched him in his face making the guy fall on the ground...

jk: hyung let's do it in the basement not here

J-Hope: his right suga not here might someone see us

suga: fine

Jin called their guards to bring the guy in the basement...

rm: u (while pointing towards crystal) go back home ur done here

crystal: huh, oppa nooo I don't want to go home, u all are not done yet right

suga: yeahhh why

crystal: I wanna see

jk: see what

crystal: I want to see u all torture him (she said making a pout)

Jin: no- suga cut him off then said

suga: sure why not

tae: but hyung- was cut off again by suga

suga: too young for violence , hahahaha she is old enough ok besides she already know the truth..

the others can't do anything cause if suga said he do it no one can disobey him..

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