The Couple and the kid, and two groups of wizards ♥️💚

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Amethyst pov,

I looked up at the man and woman that had opened the door. I didn't understand why this was happening, first I was with my stepfather, then the next thing I know is that Lucius knocked on the door and left me on these people's doorstep.

I was met with concerned expressions from the couple, they brought me inside and got me some food to eat.

After they fed me they asked me some questions, about who my parents are and why I was left outside. "My mom's name is Narcissa Malfoy and I'm four, and my step-dad doesn't seem to like me. That's all I know." I replied to them, next thing I know, I was adopted by them.

Charlie and Renee, helped me get into a school. So during the days, I went to school, Charlie went and did his work. And Renee did her things- well to be truthful I didn't know what she did.

Anyways every now and then I would write letters to my mom just to see if she did care about me or loved me.

One Friday afternoon I had gotten two letters, one from my mother and her two cousins Sirius and Regulas. I read my Mum's first because I had gotten it a week after I was left here.

"Dear Amethyst,

I do love you, which is why I told Lucius to send you to New York, to let you find your father. Right now it's too dangerous for you to be around. Because there's a war going on and i dont want you in it, and there are monsters that kept showing up that I had to Avada Kedavra them. I didn't know where they came from or how they kept coming back.

Sincerely Your mum, Narcissa."

I then I looked up for a moment and went to Charlie and had asked him what state i was in. "You are in Forks, Washington? Why?" He asked.

"No reason... anyways thank you and do I have permission to invite anyone over?"

"Yes? But not for a long time." Charlie said, I smiled happily.

"Sweet, by the way..." I went over to him and asked in his ear. "Are you-"

"A wizard?" He asked as Renee was out shopping or something. He smiled softly. "I am. A pureblood actually."

"Sweet. Is Renee?" I asked. "And if not then does she know?"

"I don't know, I don't think so, and no she doesn't know about me. Only because I'm not sure how she'll take it." Charlie replied.

^I'm just going to call her one until I know fully.^ I thought to myself, as I went back to my new room and read Sirius's letter.

"Dear Amey,

Here are a few things that I think my favorite cousin should know. First off my Best friend James Potter and Lily Evans have recently became Head Boy and Girl, I had (finally) gotten my own place last year, with the money I had inherited from uncle Alphard Black.. Are you still living with Narcissa?

Love your cousin, Sirius Black."

After I read the letter I decided to write back to Sirius.

"Dear Sirius

No, mum asked Lucius to take me to New York to find and meet my father but he ditched me at some house in a state that I'm pretty sure isn't anywhere close to New York. I'm at a place called Forks, Washington. Anyways, Lucius gave me to a Pure blood wizard and a (presumably) muggle women. (I don't know if she really is though.) Mum claims she loves me. She claims I'm too dangerous to be around during the war and all. But I want to see you and Reggie... Plus I have got to tell you all about the couple that Lucius dropped me off at. Please come pick me up for Christmas. Or come visit. With Reggie please, I know you two don't get along but I love him too. Ps: I really hope you both can come over really soon before you go back to school on September 1st.

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