Horcrux Cave: Regulus Black's supposed death...

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A/n: I'm time skipping to 1979, because it's a big part of the book. And plus I ran out of things to write, I left off on a letter, Narcissa did get it, but didn't reply.

Amethyst Pov,

Charlie and I were working on my homework from the school I go to when Regulus and Kreacher appeared in the room. "Amy, I need your help please come with me?"

"Alright. But are you alright?" I asked looking at him.

"If we succeed, then I will be." He replied, I grabbed his hand and Kreacher took us off to a cave, and before I could ask anything he explained what we were going to do.

He started drinking the liquid that I assumed was poison, I looked at him worriedly I created one of those water balls in the air, Regulus finished the poison and and he put a fake locket into the I helped him get a drink from the water ball that I made. "Reggie? I think we should go..."

"Yes, we should before they try to get us." Regulus replied, then Kreacher, Regulus and I went back to Charlie's.

Charlie smiled seeing them come back, but frowned slightly. "Regulus? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. We succeeded in getting what we needed. We just need to find a way to destroy the locket." Regulus said softly as Charlie got him something to drink. "Also, can I move in? I'm going to need people to think I'm dead, the only one I want to know I'm alive is my brother."

"Um....yes.... you can stay if you want to." Charlie replied smiling. Kreacher was listening to what Regulus was saying.

"Kreacher I want you to only tell Sirius what is going on." Regulus said, then Kreacher disappeared.

Holly made a snack for Regulus, Charlie and I.


I went upstairs, because Regulus and Charlie were talking to each other about something and I just zoned out and decided to go upstairs.

I went to my room and turned on a radio and listened to music as I was cleaning up Regulus's bed and put the stuffed animals on Sirius's bed.

I then went downstairs and overhead Charlie and Regulus's conversation. "Regulus? Out of curiosity, how old are you?"

"I'm 17, I was born June 25, 1961." Regulus replied.

"And you were really willing to die, to get this locket?" Charlie asked.

"It's a Horcrux. It needs to be destroyed." Regulus countered.

"Alright. Since people need to think you died and you are 17, you need to go to high school and this next part us up to you. But if you want to you can put Swan as your last name.." Charlie said.

"Okay. I'm not changing my name though. But I will go to a regular school." Regulus replied smiling.

I came all the way down and hugged Regulus because I loved the fact that he was staying. Charlie then asked Regulus. "Do you know how to drive? Because you can't just appear out of nowhere like you do. We'll need to get you a car. And if you don't I can teach you."

Regulus nodded. "I don't know. And okay, let's go car shopping?"

Charlie smiled then asked. "Right now?"

"Yeah why not?" Regulus said smiling.

"Okay. Let's go." Charlie said getting up then kissed Renee and told her that we'd be back later.

Regulus, Charlie, and I went to a car dealership and they were looking through some cars. I found the perfect car for him. "Reggie! Charlie! I found one!" I somewhat screamed as I ran to find them then dragged them over.

"That's a 1967 Chevy Impala..Amethyst. If he wants it though, then sure." Charlie replied.

"I love it..." Regulus replied happily, Charlie bought the Impala and put it on his car insurance. Charlie drove it home.. I had fallen asleep in the backseat, and when we got home Regulus picked me up and carried me inside.

"Oh, and another thing. You can't wear your robes to school. But I can take you clothes shopping later." I overheard Charlie say to Regulus as I was asleep in his arms.

"Okay, well I'm going to go put Amethyst in bed." Regulus replied as he carried me upstairs and to our room, and laid me down on the bed.

Regulus Pov,

I sat down on my bed, and watched my cousin sleep for a little bit then I got up and went back downstairs going to Charlie. "Sir? Can you take me shopping, for school items? Because I'm sure they are different then Hogwarts school items."

"Sure. Let's go in your Impala." Charlie said smiling.

I got in the passenger seat and Charlie got in the driver's seat and Charlie and I drove off, leaving Amethyst asleep and with Renee watching her, Charlie and I went to a store

We gathered clothes, and school supplies, along with some stuff for my cousin.

After we finished we went back home and I carried the stuff up to the room and put them up.

I conjectured up a spare dresser and put my things away, I looked over at Amethyst thinking about everything, that has been going on lately.

After I finished with putting things away I laid down on my bed and then closed the the green curtains that I put on my bed when I first conjectured up the bed. I fell asleep.

Charlie Pov,

I was going to Renee to let her know that I was going to work tonight and that if anyone gets hungry that Holly can make them something.

I kissed Renee goodnight since she fell asleep after I told her that, I got in the shower and then got dressed into my uniform, I then went to check up on both Amethyst and Regulus, when the door had opened the hall light came flooding into the room.

Amethyst turned over onto her side, facing the bathroom door, I smiled softly then went over to see if Regulus was asleep since his curtains were shut. He was, but when I touched the curtain and opened it a little he woke up. "Charlie?"

"Sorry, I was just seeing if you were asleep." I said then told him the same thing I told Renee.

"Ok bye." Regulus replied in a sleepily whisper tone of voice.

I closed the curtain back then left the room and closed the door and got my things and then left for my officer job.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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