The University of Magic

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The glass train swooped down and in to the station on the edge of the city of York. The doors opened and the group joined the throngs of people disembarking onto the platform.

Lucy couldn't believe her eyes when she saw one of the people leaving the platform leap on to one of the glowing symbols that marked the 'lifts'. The lady spread her arms and the skirts of her dress and instead of landing she seemed to fly upwards to land smoothly on the walkway above.

Sam lead the wide eyed group to what would have been the bus stop across the road from the station.
In its place was a row of deep purple horse drawn carriages. Inscribed in gold letters upon each carriage were the words 'University of Magic'.
Above the carriages, hung a temporary banner which announced 'University of Magic: Open Day today. Free rides for prospective students'.

All five teens felt a grin of excitement slide across their faces as they approached.

A man dressed in a bright red suit decorated with shiny brass buttons hopped out of the driver's seat of one of the carriages. He opened its ornate door revealing an equally purple, sumptuous interior. Two comfortable looking, large padded seats faced each other, with plenty of leg room on the soft purple carpet between them.
He helped the group over the large, golden wheel and into the carriage.
It was just the right size for the five of them, and as soon as they were seated they began to roll away with the clip clop of hooves.

Looking out of the window, Elvira was able to see purple carriages just like theirs in front and behind them.
She sat back into the comfortable cushioned chair.

"I can't believe our luck!" Commented Jack, "University open day and a free carriage ride all the way there."

They chatted animatedly, wondering what they would find when they arrived at the University, as the city of York rolled by.

The carriage slowed to a stop. Moments later the driver opened the door and helped them disembark.

The group found themselves on a leafy sidewalk. Beside them was a building that almost seemed to be woven from the plants themselves it was so covered in them. Ahead of them rose a great sparkling tower of glass and precious stones. 
They gazed in open mouthed wonder at the beauty of the place.

The next carriage pulled to a halt beside them, and a family of four stepped out. The father had a long, well groomed moustache and wore a  blue suit complete with tails. The mother and two girls had matching floral dresses that floated gracefully down to their ankles. Their style reminded Lucy of an old style musical.
The younger of the two girls bounced on her toes as she chattered excitedly, while her older sister looked more nervous and reserved. 

Sam had the misfortune of standing closest to the newly alighted family. The youngest sister skipped over to him and addressed him directly, "you look funny."
It wasn't said nastily, just with more open childish curiosity than one might have expected from a young teen.

"Whinny," her name was almost growled in warning by her father.

She didn't flinch, her curious gaze moved over the group.
Her older sister, the one the family were clearly visiting the university for, cringed behind her mother.

Whinny addressed the whole group with her next questions, "why are you all wearing such funny clothes?  Are you cyclists? Are you going to study magic like my sister is? Why does..."

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