Mystic Three

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 As the new morning in the 1920's comes through the curtains in my room, I am awakened by my lady's maid opening the curtains to let the sun in. I stand up next to my bed and look out towards the ocean and feel the breeze blowing through. Since I am the oldest, I feel the need to be the first one up and ready. After my parents death a year ago, somethings have never been the same for us daughters. We do inherit and the fortune is kept safe with us and all of father's companies as well. My lady's maid Doris Potts has my clothes out ready for me to change after my morning bath. She lets me know that breakfast will be ready as soon as I get downstairs, and my sisters would be down there as well. I wake up and feel the world on my shoulders and being the oldest daughter, I am to run everything. My father had always prepared me for this moment, and I had no idea it was sooner rather than later. 

I go to walk out and down the long hallway of rooms and down our large wide oak stairs my younger sister Emma runs past me almost a blur.

" Emma, what on earth where is the fire at?" I said to her as she continued and did not stop.

I go into the dining room and there she is quickly eating breakfast and drinking her coffee so fast. She knows better than that to behave this way honestly.

" Sorry Elizabeth, I am volunteering at the church soup kitchen on 6th street this morning. I want to be there in time. Henson told me that the chauffer is outside waiting so I am finished here. Thank you Henson I will be going now." Emma said to me as she stood up and walked out to get her coat and leave.

Seems like we all are always out of sync in our daily lives but when it comes to fighting for the greater good, we are ONE. As I go to open my morning posts that Henson had brought me, I read through the busy day I am going to have. I realize I am missing one more sister that hasn't graced us with her presence this morning.

" Henson, has Lady Evelyn left for a soup kitchen crisis as well this morning or is she not feeling well." I said to him as I continue to read my letters over my breakfast.

"No, Lady Evelyn shall be down soon her lady's maid had let us know she is coming downstairs." Henson said to me as she stood behind looking over our breakfast. He always makes sure we have everything that we need.

As the door opens in walks my eldest sister Lady Evelyn, she is more subtle in her personality then Lady Emma is. She is quieter and more reserved. 

" Good morning, Evelyn, you missed our little sister Emma she nearly bolted out of here this morning for her volunteering position at the church. Are you ok this morning?" I said to her as she stirred milk into her coffee cup. 

" Yes, I am fine I think after last night's vanquish Emma and I did when you had that party. I feel like my powers take more of a toll on me physically and mentally. My powers are more emotional and its hard to separate sometimes. I do not know if I can I mean I need a break in between." Lady Evelyn said to me as she sipped her coffee and buttered her toast with jam this morning.

" I know and I understand but we were taught to do this to fight for the greater good in the world. Others need help or saving sometimes. For us we are the ones to do this and also maintain our family and sisterly bond. I know it's not easy because we have 2 different lives to live. If we need help with anything, please let me know and we can do this together." I said to her as I finished my breakfast I had to leave to the office and continue my day.

As my sister Lady Elizabeth, leaves for her busy day with our fathers' companies she has to keep them running. In order for our family to maintain our home and lifestyle. But being the middle sister, I too had to find myself something to do. I not only am in charge of the day-to-day running of the household. Also, I deal with the employment, wages being paid, and bills being paid. My separation away from home that keeps me sane is dress designing. Since my father has been in the fabrics and furniture business, I took a fancy to the unique textures and colors. So, I had started to design dresses then suits using the fabrics father was selling. In a way it helped with business and promoting products. My sister had the idea to use everything I was producing and open up a side boutique for them. 

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