Unedited Chapter 5

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The bright office is quiet despite it being the time that students are usually milling around the halls, preparing for another day of hero classes. Inside, a small white figure sits at the large desk in the middle of the room, absently scribbling on a sheet of paper. The creature looks up briefly to watch the dark figure brooding by the door, "Good Morning Aizawa sensei, I take it things are well?"

"They are... interesting to say the least."

The creature sets his pen down and smiles at the man, turning his full attention to him while picking up the tea cup and saucer next to the paper, "I see. What seems to be so interesting?"

"Last night, after Hawks arrived in Mustufa to help with the added security for today, we saw what looked to be a Western-style demon flying just after sunset. We watched the creature and it seemed like it was just wandering around the city carrying a few bags. That alone was cause to be concerned so the two of us followed it for the rest of the evening. The creature didn't seem to have a set destination until it landed on the roof of the Aldera Junior High. There we saw the thing morph into a teenage girl who pretty much set up shop on the roof of the school and stayed there for the rest of the night.

"Hawks and I left to patrol the rest of the city but he left some of his feathers with her to watch over her. That same girl is downstairs in Recovery Girls room looking like roadkill and lying through her teeth about how she got her injuries." The teacher tossed the medical file Recovery Girl gave him to deliver to his Principal. "Her brother is down there too, being just as tight-lipped. This whole thing is weird since her brother wasn't with her last night but carried her in this morning. They are here for the entrance exam and to ask for help."

"Well, we best give it to them then!"


A soft shaking slowly wakes Kaida, and once she is half awake, adrenaline hits her system, and she bolts upright. The bright white room and heavy antiseptic smell leave Kaida disoriented as the memories of this morning struggle to rise to the surface.

"Oi, dumbass! Calm down! You're at UA in the infirmary." Kaida's frantic eyes find her twin's calm crimson eyes as he grabs her face and forces her to look at him, "You're okay. They aren't here. You're safe."

On the far side of the room behind a curtain, Recovery Girl listens to Bakugo-kun calm his sister, making notes of the words he uses to do so. "You're awake now, Bakugo-kun? I'll come and discharge you in just a moment. Let me finish gathering the paperwork." She listens to the children in the back start speaking normally and waits long enough for the brother to start stuffing his sister with the rest of the food he got from Lunch Rush earlier before making her way around the curtain.

"Alright. While you were asleep, I had your brother go and pre-register the both of you with Aizawa sensei, so you were able to sleep a little longer. It's now  9:40, so you should try to stand and see how your leg feels." The kids nod and move the foodstuff out of the way to make room for Kaida to walk between the beds. She takes a few steps and frowns slightly but tries walking around the room with a slight grimace.

"Is it OK that my leg aches a little?"

"Yes dearie, you had quite a few injuries, so I didn't want to heal you 100% and ruin your chances at doing the best during your entrance exam. With us having to re-break your leg to set it properly, it will probably be sore for a while. I would suggest you do not rely on any kicking while dealing with the practical exam today. Avoid it like the plague if you don't want to do this again."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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