Unedited Prologue

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Kaida woke up to a woman screaming for her husband. Her shrill voice only added to the throbbing migraine encompassing the young girls skull. Something about calling the police dully registered but was soon forgotten once she tried to open her eyes. 

Bright lights assaulted her poor eyes, making the red irises shrink, only adding to their bloodshot look and forced them closed to help stop the pain.

The rest of Kaida's body was beginning to wake up with her mind, and with that came a fierce ache coming from every nerve ending. The nearly five year old girl softly whimpered and brought a hand to rub her head. Something sharp pricked her scalp, and she opened her eyes once again, slowly this time, only to find something truly grotesque in the place of her petite hand.

Glaringly white skin stained with the darkest black sharpened into deadly points moved when Kaida tried to sake the terrifying vision away to reveal her normally tan skin. Tears burned hot in the child's eyes as they frantically searched for her parents, better yet, her twin brother. Katsuki always knew what to do. He could already read Kanji at age four. 

The normally pink walls of her bedroom had faded in color, almost as if someone had put a black and white filter over Kaida's eyes while she took a nap that afternoon, and beside the wooden door her mother sat cowering. Fear reawakened in the girl's young heart as she glanced behind her, trying to find the thing her mother was afraid of. The only thing behind her was a large set of menacing black leather wings that seemed to be folded into her own back, as if trying to show their own fear and uncertainty in the situation.

The young girl couldn't help but stare for a moment but the sound of the wood floors creaking sent Kaida racing towards her mother, a melodic cry falling from her lips as Mitsuki's own scream echoed her fear of the approaching demon before her. A harsh slap made the whole world stop. Neither of the people in the room dared to breathe or even spare a single thought as if that would create too much noise in the silent space.

Two pairs of terrified red eyes met, one set unbelieving and the other hardening into something even uglier than the child turned beast. Mitsuki parted her lips, taking a shuddering breath as if to prepare herself for the words she must say to protect what was left of her family and their image. However, the wooden steps creak and groan as a pair of tiny feet race up them, closely followed by a pair of larger ones and a deep bellowing voice demanding the young boy to stop. 

To not go in there. 

It's not safe.

Katsuki didn't care. He knew that his twin needed him. That she was scared. And it was his job as the first twin born to protect his younger sister. No matter how much she argued that he was only older by eleven minutes.

The open door to his sisters bedroom loomed at the end of the hall, and the oldest Bakugo twin wasted no time in sprinting right past the threshold. What he found confused him. His sister had finally gotten her quirk it looked like. Sure, it was a bit scary at first, but he would always be able to identify his twin. Her eyes always looked so happy and innocent and pure, and they still did in this larger and demonic form. The only difference was the absolute terror and confusion clouding over Kaida's usual expression.

"Katsuki, get out of here. Go back downstairs with your father, right now," Mitsuki's calm and serious voice brought her sons attention to her, and he only seemed to grow more confused once he saw how she was cowered against the wall by the door.

"Why? We need to help Kaida," Katsuki took a confident step towards his sister, the tension in the air setting his protective instincts in action.

"Katsuki, just listen to your mother," Masaru tried to grab his sons arm and pull him out of danger, but Katsuki stepped out of his reach and growled.

"NO? WHY WON'T YOU LET ME HELP KAIDA!" The adults shared a panicked glance before  their harsh eyes turned on their former daughter. They couldn't let that abomination hurt the only child they had left.

"Katsu..." Mitsuki started, a calming and gentle tone coating her words.

Masaru copied his wife's voice, "That isn't your sister." The moment those words left her fathers lips Kaida felt like the world hiccupped around her and everything was moving too fast, as if it was trying to make up for lost time when it had stopped so suddenly.

The edges of her vision started to spot with black, just like her malformed fingers, and the horrible feeling of falling backwards into the abyss couldn't even dream of comparing to the empty hole eating away at the four year old's chest.


A/N The photo provided at the start is the best srtistic rendition of what Kaida's teenage demon form looks like, with the exception being that Kaida's wings are more like bats wings or dragon wings. This image is taken from pintrest and I make no claim over it.

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