Chapter 5

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I arrive at the Club late and I'm wearing black tube dress with white citru blazer I borrowed this dress from Yuki , she's very supportive and excited tsk³

I enter the club freely and the bouncer wink at me again


Cham cham💬

where are you it's already 9:30

oh shiit

I quickly went up to the second floor "here ma'am" the waiter guided me
"thank you.."

when I enter the room it's very dark inside, its a dim blue light.. a very big room there's a long black couch with table and another table for dining for two person and I saw her there sitting

she look pissed sitting with cross legs she's wearing a black long sleeve polo with fitted pants and black stilettos

she look so hot

she's very attractive

"You always test my patience huh, late for 30mins?"

"hmm we're going to fight here?" I ask suddenly

she close her eyes and massage her forehead

"come sit here.."

there's a delicious food on the table

woah beef tenderloin roast with red wine it excite me

I sit and I look at her

"don't eat that it's already cold."

"no it's okay.."

she took the mini microphone on the side table

"bring us another set of Meal A7, hurry.."

Oh jesus... if she wants to do something she will do it..tsk I cross my arms

"don't be stubborn, you're the one who's late."

I rolled my eyes on her

"why do you want to meet me again?"

"why not? there's no reason."

she lean on her seat and look so relax while staring at me, she look so fine

"You look good on that dress.." she said

she stand and go towards me, she remove my blazer and she run her hands on my shoulder up to my neck and make me look at her, I'm just looking up at her...

"much better.." and she touch the side of my lips

~The food is ready~ its a mini speaker

she let go of me and sit

the waiter came in and he change the cold meal

"now eat first.."

she played the relaxing song..

we started to eat and shocks the food are very delicious

"do you like it?"

I nod.

"you lose weight ..not like when we first met.. and that is last week, you should stop your diet.."

I suddenly stop eating and looked at her seriously

"I'm not on a diet.."I said.

she frowned

"by the way I have something to tell you.." I start to open up

"finish your food first." she commanded

"yes boss." I tease her

I still can't believe that I'm with someone like her, the gap between the two of us is so far, maybe if she knows that I'm just a scumbag, maybe she'll avoid me

Trial and Error - Freenbecky ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now