All Is Fair

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SUMMARY: It's Saturday, Cross and Chara are scheduled to hang out, how does their day go? read to find out <3


Cross woke up at 8am to the alarm he had set the previous night, he's been sleeping really well these past few nights, probably due to the amount of alcohol he has been consuming before going to bed, regardless he's just happy to finally get some sleep without waking up from night terrors.

turning off his alarm he stepped out of bed and started stretching. Today he had planned to hang out with Chara, the younger agreeing to meet him at the library in around an hour. Cross figured he should probably shower since he didn't before going to bed last night, so thats what he did.

He stepped into the bathroom, stripped from his clothes, and stepped into the shower - instantly getting hit with cold water since he didn't give the water any time to warm up. Wasting no time he started scrubbing his body with soap before moving on to brush his teeth (yes he brushes his teeth in the shower sometime). after spending about six minutes in the shower, Cross turned off the water and dried himself before walking out and into his walk-in closet to pick out an outfit.

He settled with a black turtleneck sweater that had a white cross across the torso - he rolled up the sleeves until they piled at his elbows, with some black slacks that he tucked into his white boots that had black cross laces, his slacks puffing out slightly at the top. He tied his old jacket around his waist, and put on his thick black fingerless gloves that went all the way up to his elbows, ending just before the rolled up sweater, and to top off his outfit, he wore a thin white scarf that he wrapped loosely around his neck twice before letting it slip off his shoulders and down his back.

with his outfit done, Cross grabbed his two borrowed books, his phone, and his wallet before walking downstairs where he greeted by his Brother.

"why are you all dressed up?" The younger asked, looking down towards his older brother. "Ah, i'm going to the library to meet someone." the older said, pulling out his phone to check the time '8:28...' "I thought you said you weren't going on that date?" His brothers voiced his concern. "Oh, no no Paps, im meeting Chara there."

Papyrus's eye's widened at that name - he was sure his older brother hated Chara, 'is that who he's been hanging out with recently' before he could ask any questions, Cross was headed towards the door, he figured his Brother would be curious about the whole situation but he didn't have any time to spare really.

"i'll talk to you later bro, and, have fun with Mettaton!" Cross said with a smile. "Yeah, okay.. You too?" Papyrus tried reciprocating that happiness, but was too puzzled by the situation - He didn't hate Chara, but he didn't necessarily like or trust him either because of what the guy did to his brother's mental state.

Cross was practically running towards the library, fearing he'd be late - he almost slipped due to the ice and snow that was everywhere. Upon arriving at the library, he stood outside catching his breath - which was kind of hard because of the thin, cold air - before he checked his phone. '8:47' huh, im early' not wanting to stand out in the cold any longer Cross walked up to the library doors and stepped inside, getting hit with warm air from the library heaters and the smell of paper. The skeleton walked up the the front desk, placing his books down before the librarian explaining that he would like to return the books.

After that conversation was done, Cross checked his phone again, debating whether or not he should message Chara. After about two minutes of staring at the message app, Cross decided 'yolo, fuck it' before opening up the app and texting the younger.

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